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英语翻译1 我们预计,尽管气温很低,最近几天天气晴好.(predict)2 就这么小的年级而言,她经历的可真不少.(ex

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 01:31:48
1 我们预计,尽管气温很低,最近几天天气晴好.(predict)
2 就这么小的年级而言,她经历的可真不少.(experience)
3 主席在讲话结束时向到场的人们致谢.(wind up)
4 全国各地的人都为中国成功申办2008年奥运会而欢呼.(bid for,hail)
5 目前全球的形势对我们有利.(current ,favorable)
6 他们每年可享受30天的带薪假期.(enjoy,paid holiday)
7 病毒可以通过各种渠道侵入你的电脑.(reach)
8 昨天天气不好.实际上这几天天气一直不好.
9 她在这个办事处工作已有5年了.
10 自从上次吵架后,我们就再也没有跟对方讲过话.
11 把电视声音拧小点儿,天气预报还没有开始呢.
英语翻译1 我们预计,尽管气温很低,最近几天天气晴好.(predict)2 就这么小的年级而言,她经历的可真不少.(ex
1.We expect that, despite the temperature is so low that in recent days the weather nice and sunny
2.So small grade is concerned, there are a lot of her experience
3.The chairman ended his speech to present the people of thanks.
4.People from all over the country for China's successful bid for the 2008 Olympic Games with singing.
5.Current global situation is favourable to us.
6.Each year they can enjoy 30 days of paid vacation.
7.The virus can through various channels invaded your computer.
8.The weather was worse yesterday. Actually these days the weather has been bad.
9.Her in the office work for five years.
10.Since the last after an argument, we have never spoken with each other.
11.The TV sound twist smaller, weather hasn't started yet.