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英语语法高手请进Is this museum ______there is a stamp exhibition now

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 09:26:58
Is this museum ______there is a stamp exhibition now?
A,that B,the one that C,the oen which D,the one where?麻烦仔细分析下
Is this area_______ the flood broke out?
Is this area_______ the flood broke out?
可以填 D,the one where 不是跟上题一样吗?
英语语法高手请进Is this museum ______there is a stamp exhibition now
在我看来做这种题的技巧是要把一般疑问句改为陈述句,把is 还原到正确的位置就容易做出正确的选择了.
第一步把第一题改为陈述句:This museum is ____there is a stamp exhibition now.
第二步再看选项,只有把D the one where放进去才正确.the one 在整个主句中作表语,其后跟定语从句,因为定语从句中缺少地点状语,所以用where 引导.
这个句型还有种变化:Is this the museum____ there is a stamp exhibiton now?
注意有冠词了,我们应该改成陈述句This is the museum___there is a stamp exhition now.
因为这个时候有了the museum 做先行词,所以只需要一个where来引导后面的定语从句了.
所以你问的第二个问题就容易回答了.the one where完全正确,如果只用where引导表语从句也对啊,只不过是表语从句了.