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英语翻译With improvements in health care over theyears,more Amer

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/25 03:22:50
With improvements in health care over the
years,more Americans are living longer.Most of these people retire when they
are about sixty-five years old,and sometimes they have problems afterward
because they do not have much to keep them busy and interested.Many people and
organizations are trying to change this by helping senior citizens with their
problems,seeing to it that they live comfortably and keep active.
But there are some old people who never
want to retire,and who keep on doing the things they love and doing them very
well indeed.John Hart is typical.
The drivers on Central Avenue,one of the
busiest streets in Albany,New York,may not notice John Hart’s farm.But John
Hart is there,growing his vegetables,just as he has been since he was
thirteen.That was in 1930,ten years after he and his family got there in a
one-horse carriage.It was farmland then.
Most of the original farm is gone,but
enough remains to keep John Hart busy.He left school when he was very young,
and has worked as a farmer ever since.His elder sister,Margaret,has been with
him all this time,and still helps in the kitchen.
Hart has slowed down a little in the last
few years,but he is still out every day,often working on his hands and knees,
sometimes using machines.A year ago he became ill and spent some time in the
hospital.When he left,the doctors warned him to take it easy.“But I went right back to work the
same as always.And when the doctors examined me,they said,’you’re doing fine.
Whatever you’re doing,keep on doing it’.”
Hart says he will never retire.“I couldn’t
sit around and do nothing.I’m better off if Ikeep moving,” he says.And John
Hart does keep moving and working,though he is slow and bent over with age.
his mind is young.“ If there’s way to
do something better,of course I’d change,” he says with a laugh.“I’ll tell
you one thing I learned.No matter how old you get,you can always learn
英语翻译With improvements in health care over theyears,more Amer
但是也有一些老人从不想要退休,一直做着他们热爱的事,也确实做的非常好.其中John Hart就是这样一个典型的人.
在纽约奥尔巴尼的中央大街(最繁忙的街道之一)上的司机们也许并不会注意到John Hart的农场.但是他就在那里,做着从他13岁就开始做的事--种植蔬菜.那是在1930年,他和他的家人坐着简陋的马车来到那里的第十个年头,之后那里就成了一个农场.
大部分原始农田消失了,但是剩下来的足够John Hart忙活的了.他很小的时候就辍学了,从那以后就成为了一个农民.他的姐姐Margaret那时就一直在他身边,也会在厨房里帮帮忙.
Hart说他永远不会退休.他说“我无法就这样坐着,无所事事.如果我一直前进,我的境况就会好”.John Hart也的确一直前进着,工作着.尽管随着年龄的增长,他开始行动缓慢,弯腰驼背,他的内心永远年轻充满活力.他大笑着说“如果有办法把事情做得更好,我当然会去改变.告诉你我学到的一件事吧,无论你有多年迈,你总能够学到东西”