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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 15:36:49
第一篇要求:书面表达,你现在是一名初三的学生了,比起以前你肯定改变了不少.比一比、说一说你和以前有什么不同.写一篇题为“I've changed”的文章,字数80左右
第二篇要求:What would you do if you were a millionaire?为题写一篇字数80左右的短文
第三篇要求:请按下列提示完成一篇80字左右的短文:Yesterday I saw a car accident on my way home.
第四篇要求:以 “I'd like to go to ···for my holiday."为题,写一篇80字左右的短文.
第五篇要求:书面表达.以”Healthy Food“为题,写一篇80字左右的短文.
第六篇要求:请以”If I were a teacher,I wouid···"为题,完成一篇80字左右的短文.
How I've changed
Time past quickly.I've changed a lot with the time going.
When I was young,I only know the most interesting thing in the world is playing.I played games with my friends day and night.I wasted a lot of great time.
But when I was a little older,I not only know playing.I realize learning is as important as playing,even much more important.I spent my whole day to study,study and study.but at that time,I do not know what "stress" means.
Then,two years later,I understood.I was going to graduate from primary school and,I need to pass a special test for the entrance of junior high school.I have no time to play.I have no time to have fun with my good friends.
After I had passed the examination,I felt more nervous than any time I was.Everybody was smart and I didn't have the great position.But I don't know what “give up" is.I spent more time on the subject I was not good at.So I won the first position later.
That's How I've changed.My life bocomes harder and harder,but I am not scared.I try my best to let my life become more interesting.
If I was a millionare……
Different people have differeent dreams.For me, my dream is make a lot of money and become a millionare. If i was a millionare .firstly, i will buy a big house for my parents, i love my parents, i hope they can have a very happy life. After that, i will give some money to the charity, may be give money to the Project Hope to help poor children , i will also give money to the sick person, i like to give my money to the old people's house, if they have enough money, they may lead a happier life.At last,when i retired, i am going to travel all over the world ,then i want to buy a lot of farm for myself, in my spare time ,i can plant some beautiful flowers.I am sure. one day, my dream will come true.
I'd like to go to ( Beijing) for my holiday
I want to go to beijing for my holiday.I listened many thing about there,but I never have been there.I know there is Summer Palace and many famous bulidings.Beijing is an old city too.If I can go to Beijing ,I will go and see the Great Wall .It's the grandest bulding!2008 Olympics game was hold in there.The Bird’s Nest is very grand.I'd like to go there and to learn most thing!
There are all kinds of foods in the world. Which one is healthier, the Chinese food or the western food? Different people have different choices. Some people like the Chinese food. Firstly, the Chinese food contains a lot of fruit and green vegetables. It is rich in fibre and low in sugar and fat. Secondly, the Chinese food is very delicious and has many dishes. It is nice to taste healthiest in the world. So Chinese people can keep fit and have white teeth.
if i were a teacher, i would not treat my students just as some know-nothing kids. i wouldn't give them homework that can never be done.if i were a teacher, i would try my best to let them like me, not be afraid of me. i wouldn't teach them just as if i were a sage. if i were a teacher, i would make friends with my students. i would respect them and understand them. if i were a teacher, i would make study a happy thing to my students, but not a burden to them.
你现在是九年级的学生了,学习、生活和以前肯定有所不同了.(英语) 根据要求完成小作文.现在你已经是初三的学生了,你发现自己和以前有什么不同吗?请用对比的形式写出自己的变化或者进步。不少于 你现在已经九年级了,学习生活和以前肯定有所不同.请就以下几个方面谈论初三的学习和生活与以前有哪些不同 要求如下:如今你已经是初三的学生了,你也一定也会觉得现在的自己和以前的自己在某些方面有很大的变化.请根据自己的体会一,从 书面表达.假如 书面表达. 假如你是Hope Middle school的一名学生,请你用英语写一篇60个词的短文,向你 一篇高中英语作文书面表达:假如你是学生王刚,通过半年的学习,你对高中的英语教与学有了一定的了解,也有不少问题想和你的英语 八年级上英语作文书面表达 昨天你在街上遇见了多年不见的好友,他发生了很大的变化.请你根据提示内容写一篇短文(要求:用上比 初三一单元英语作文书面表达 说说你在学英语过程中都遇到了哪些困难 你是如何克服的(80词) 你比以前漂亮多了.汉译英 英语翻译英语作文带翻译 我和以前有什么不同.大概内容是以前的我是短头发,现在是长头发,以前我是矮小,现在我已长大了不少了 英语作文.你现在上九年级了,学习,生活和以前有不同:请你就一下几方面谈论九年级的学习... 英语作文1.请用there be句型描述你家乡的变化,现在和以前有什么不同[不少于50词] 2.上星期学校放假,你都做了