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英语翻译Kandinsky details are too blurry please fix it because t

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/08 00:29:16
Kandinsky details are too blurry please fix it because touches of brush needs too be more visible,more shaped as the original.
archibald motley black belt:please just correct on the blue car TAXI and not TATI.behind the car the sign JOHNSON needs to be streight,it is too curvy.in the first row the man with the hat in the right corner of the pictures,that holding the women in orange by her waist,please make the lips more red and contoured.same thing for the policeman.also please coutoured and arrange details of characters in the background.
archibald motley gettin religion:red color needs to be more intense,it is too dark.please right number 348 on the floor in the background on the right.also put color red on the flower in the balcony in the background.
英语翻译Kandinsky details are too blurry please fix it because t
Kandinsky 那幅画的细节太模糊了,请你修改一下.每一笔都应该画得清清楚楚,像原画一样.
Archibald Motely 的《黑皮带》 :请修改,蓝色的 TATI 应该是 TAXI 这样拼写.车后面那个 JOHNSON 标记应该是直直的,而不是弯弯扭扭的.在第一排,那个被右左脚戴着帽子的男生手里挽着的那个穿着桔黄色的女士,请把她的嘴唇涂得更红点,更有轮廓.那个警察也是一样,把她的嘴唇涂更红一点.然后请把背景里所有的人物都画得有轮廓点.
Archibald Motley 的《gettin religion》:这幅画需要用更艳的红色,目前的这个红色太黑暗了点.然后在背景里右边的地板上,请写上 number 348(号码 348),还请你把阳台上的花给涂上红色.