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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 12:24:02
论文简介:贸易开放带来的收益问题一直广受经济学者的关注和研究 Brief Introduction of the thesis :  (1)Benefit problems arisen from the openness of trade has been focused on and researched by economic scholars Brief Introduction of the disseration:  (2)Profits and Interests that have been brought by trade openness has always drawn the wide attentions and researches of the economists / economic scholars (3) Acquired Incomes and Profits resulted from trade openness has caught wide attentions and studies of the economic scholars / economists 贸易自由化过程所推动的不仅是一国整体的经济福利水平,还对该国国内的收入分配格局和收入差距产生影响. (1)What the liberalization of the trade has propelled is not only the integral economic welfare level of one nation but also produce the influence upon the layout of domestic income allotment and income gap of this country . (2) What the trade liberalization has pushed / propelled / promoted / impelled is not only the integral / entire /overall /whole economic welfare level of one country but also its producing the influence upon the domestic income allotment layout and income gap of this country 本文首先以传统的国际贸易理论为基础,论述了对外贸易对收入差距的影响;然后结合理论对中国日益扩大的贫富差距问题进行了剖析和解释;进而建立模型分析我国的对外贸易对全国居民及城乡居民收入差距的影响. (1)Beginning with taking traditional international trade theory as the foundation , This text has expound / discussed the influence of foreign trade upon the income gap and then analyzed the and explained the problem of the increasing gap between the rich and the poor in China by combing the theory and established the the model to analyze the the influence that foreign trade has exerted upon the income gaps of the national residents and urban and rural resident (2)Being first to take the traditional international theory as the foundation( Firstly basing on the traditional international theory), This text /article has discussed the impact /influence that foreign trade exerted upon the income gap and then made an analysis and explanation of the increasing problems pertining to poor and rich gap of China so as to establish the mould /model to the impact /influence that foreign trade of our country has exerted upon the incomes gap of the national residents and urban and rural residents 结果显示对外贸易有利于收入差距的改善,并针对我国收入分配差距调控问题提出了若干政策建议. (1) It is shown by the result that foreign trade are favourable to the improvement of income gap and several policy proposals/ suggestions are come up with by taking airm at the adjustment problems of income allotment gap of our country (2) Results have shown that foreign trade benefited the improvement of the income gap and taken airm at the adjusting problems of income allotment gap of our country to come up with some policy suggestions/ proposals. 我国目前正处于一个关键的转型时期,伴随着经济贸易快速发展,出现了一些新矛盾、新问题:全国居民之间、城乡之间较大的利益差别;经济增长和社会发展不协调的矛盾日益突出 (1) Our country is in the key / crucial period of transformation for the time being and it is accompanied by the rapid development /growth of economic trade and some new contradictions and new problems have come into being : namely , the profits gap among national residents , urban and rural resients and the disharmonious contraditions of  the economic growth and social development has been increasingly protruding . (2) Our country is in a key period of transformation , accompanied by rapid developoment /growth of economic trade,  some new contradictions and new problems has appeared :  A larger profits gap/ difference among the national residents and urban and rural residents and disharmonious contradictions of economic growth and social development has been increasingly protruding /projecting/ prominent