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英语短文理解 有些难度哦,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 14:59:33
英语短文理解 有些难度哦,
Former Russian President Boris Yeltsin (Laid to Rest White-robed Russian Orthodox priests presided over Wednesday's ceremony,which according to custom,took place three days after Mr.Yeltsin died of a heart attack.He was 76).The services were held inside the (golden-domed Christ the Savior Cathedral),which was rebuilt during Yeltsin's time in office,after having been (blown up) by (Soviet) leader Josef Stalin.(One priest officiating) at the ceremony said the Russian people had a strong desire to live in (free domand) that Mr.Yeltsin helped to make that desire a reality.He added that Mr.Yeltsin,(a man of strong character as he put it),took responsibility for the country in a time of difficult,radical(彻底的,巨大的) change.Yeltsin's wife,Naina,and their two daughters sat close to the (open),(flag-draped coffin) and were crying.Russian President Vladimir Putin (postponed his annual state-of-the-nation address) until Thursday,in order to attend the funeral(葬礼),along with hundreds of other dignitaries(高层人物).Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev,Former British Prime Minister John Major,Polish Solidarity leader Lech Walesa,and former U.S.Presidents Bill Clintonand George H.W.Bush attended the (memorial service).(Mr.Yeltsin is remembered for challenging the Soviet establishment and being the driving force behind an agreement to split up the Soviet Union into independent states.But his years in office were also marredby economic collapse,political chaos and a costly,humiliating war against Chechen separatists).After the ceremonies,the funeral cortege(送葬行列) made its way to the 16th century convent(女修道院),alongside the (Moscow River).(Red carnations),the (traditional mourning flower) in Russia,(were strewn along the road leading to the burial site).Mr.Yeltsin is the only (Kremlin leader) since Nikita Khrushchev,ousted in 1964,not interred by the Kremlin Wall on Red Square.(At the family's request),Yeltsin was laid to rest next to major Russian authors,musicians and artists,rather than alongside political or (military leaders).Over the past two days,thousands of ordinary Russians paid their respects (as his body lay in state)
英语短文理解 有些难度哦,
1.(Laid to Rest White-robed Russian Orthodox priests presided over Wednesday's ceremony,which according to custom,took place three days after Mr.Yeltsin died of a heart attack.He was 76):根据习俗,在享年76岁的叶利钦死于心脏病发做后的三天,由俄罗斯东正教白袍牧师主持安排在周三的安葬仪式.
2.(golden-domed Christ the Savior Cathedral)金顶基督救世主教堂(在这句话中是指这个安葬仪式在金顶基督救世主教堂中举行)
3.(blown up)主要有吹胀,爆炸,发生并加剧,放大,夸大,发脾气,严责等意思,在本句中应指被炸毁.
5.(One priest officiating)一个牧师主持
6.(free domand)没有domand这个词,怀疑是不是demand;free demand:免费
7.(a man of strong character as he put it)就像他表现的一样,是一个个性很强的人
8.(open),(flag-draped coffin)打开的,被国旗覆盖的棺材
9.(postponed his annual state-of-the-nation address)推迟了他的年度国情咨文报告
10.(memorial service)追悼会
11.(Mr.Yeltsin is remembered for challenging the Soviet establishment and being the driving force behind an agreement to split up the Soviet Union into independent states.But his years in office were also marred by economic collapse,political chaos and a costly,humiliating war against Chechen separatists)叶利钦先生被追悼的事迹有:挑战苏联的建立基础和担当了达成苏联解体为独联体协议的原动力这一角色.但他在执政期间也被经济崩溃,政治上的混乱和奢华、对车臣分裂组织进行不当的战争等问题所困扰.
12.(Moscow River)莫斯科河
13.(Red carnations)红色康乃馨
14.(traditional mourning flower)传统表示悲痛的花
15.(were strewn along the road leading to the burial site)撒满了通往墓地的路
16.(Kremlin leader) 克里姆林宫的领导人
17.(At the family's request)应家属的要求
18.(military leaders)军事领导人
19.(as his body lay in state)本意是:当他的身体躺在(这个)国家.代入句中应为:在过去的两天里,成千上万的普通俄罗斯人向安息的叶利钦表达了敬意