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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 18:24:59
在山中行走的你永远不会感到寂寞或者单调,这里是野生动物的家园,他们会随时随刻 陪伴你.你会到看到小田鼠,或者山鼠伏在一块大石头上注视着你,它们的嘴里叼着花茎,准备搬回去做窝.你也可能与一只山羊四目相对,它见了你并不逃遁,只 是和你保持着一段距离,警惕地打量着你.你走向一条河边汲水,也许一头驼鹿刚刚喝完水离开,你们擦肩而过,却互不理睬.如果看到黑熊,也不要害怕,多数情 况它并不伤人,你遇到它的时候,它可能正搬开一块巨石寻找旱獭当作午餐.
你的行走的脚步加快,但你的生活节奏却慢将下来.你所有感官都开始苏醒,你开始体 验生活的乐趣.游走在山谷中,看到这些野生动物自由自在地在它们的天地里生活,这时候的感觉好像回到了数百年前.你的需要已经降到最低点,完全只是生活必 需品,然而在没有太多欲望,也不索取很多的情况下,你却意外收获了满捧的生活乐趣.一切现代城市生活的虚荣和繁华相形之下显得如此可笑,那些所谓的野心和 成就,突然好像绑缚你的枷锁,在你面对纯净的大自然的一刹那,统统解脱,你内心那个自然的真我跳出来,迎接山中清新的空气和美景,享受自然的快乐和施舍. 突然你重新成为了一个纯粹的人,单纯如新生的婴儿.
The Rocky mountains are from north to south go through verticallyNorth America the biggest sierra.Until now,it or not by humanoverdevelopment wilderness region.Has many first-class world-classslandscape in this area:Stands tall and erect snowy peak,giant icefield,color enchanting lake,as well as multitudinous wild animal.Mays be called modern people's spiritual refuge shelter,also is NorthAmerica's symbol and is arrogant.Rocky Mountains' majority of mountain peaks above elevation 4,000meters,high point Elbert mountain elevation 4,399 meters.These peakssummits died at the age of the snow,under sunlight sparkling,thescenery is grand.On a highly lower hillside,proliferates the coverthe coniferous forest,the pine,the cedar,the cypress standsmajestically.Ravine valley broad,the brook is limpid,the sceneryjunction reflects.You walks which in the mountain never will feel lonely or ismonotonous,here is wild animal's homeland,they can along withengrave as necessary accompany you.You can arrive saw the smallfield-mouse,or the woodchuck bends down in a big stone gazes at you,in their mouth is holding in the mouth the floral axis,thepreparation is moving makes the nest.You are also possible with agoat 四目相对,it saw you certainly not to run away,only was andyou is maintaining section of distances,vigilantly was taking a lookat you.You move towards a riverside to draw water,perhaps an elkjust drank the water to leave,you brushed past,actually mutually didnot pay attention to.If sees the black bear,also do not have to beafraid,the most situations it certainly does not offend somebody,youmeet it the time,it is possibly moving a megalith to seek 旱獭treats as the lunch.You walk the footsteps speed up,but your rhythm of life actually slowwill get down.Your all sense organs all start to regainconsciousness,you start to experience the life the pleasure.You Zouin the mountain valley,saw these wild animals freely live in theirsworld,this time feeling looked like returned for several hundredyears ago.You needed already to fall to the most low point,wascompletely only the daily necessity,however in not too many desires,also did not demand in very many situations,your accident hasactually harvested Man Peng joys of life.Under all modern city livesvanities and lively compare appear so laughably,these so-calledambitions and the achievement,suddenly look like binds you theshackles,in you facing the pure nature flash,entirely extricates,your innermost feelings that natural really I jump out,greets in themountain the fresh air and the beautiful scene,enjoys natural isjoyful and the bestowment.Suddenly you rehave become a pure person,pure like newborn baby.