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英语翻译The question ”What is law?” haunts legal thought,andprob

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/14 18:19:11
The question ”What is law?” haunts legal thought,andprobably more scholarship has gone into defining and explaining the concept oflaw than into any other concept still in use scholarship and jurisprudence法律体系.Comprehensive reviews of the lawliterature by some scholars indicatethat are almost as many definitions of law as there are theorists.Hoebel③(1954:18) comments that “toseek a definition of the legal is like the quest for the Holy Grail④.” He cites Max Radin’s warning :”Those of uswho have learned humility have given over the attempt to define law.” In spiteof these warnings,law can be defined.In any definition of law,however,wemust keep Julius Stone’s admonition in mind that “law is necessarily anabstract term,and the definer is free to choose a level of abstraction; but bysame token,in these as in other choices,the choice must be such as to makesense and be significant in terms of the experience and present interest ofthose who are addressed.”
英语翻译The question ”What is law?” haunts legal thought,andprob
这个问题“什么是法律?“萦绕在法律思想,今年更多的奖学金已经进入了定义和解释概念到任何其他概念oflaw比仍在使用奖学金和法学法律体系.综合评审的通过一些学者indicatethat lawliterature几乎一样多的定义,法律有理论家.Hoebel③(1954:18)评论道:“一个定义中使用的法律就像寻找圣杯④.”他引用了马克斯·杰瑞德的警告:“那些uswho已经学会了谦卑给在试图定义法.“在spiteof这些警告,法律可以被定义.在任何法律的定义,然而,我们必须保持朱利叶斯·斯通的训诫记住“法律必然是一个抽象的术语,定义者是自由选择一个抽象层次;但bysame令牌,在这些和其他的选择,选择必须如makesense和是重要的方面的经验和现在的利息还谁解决.”