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英语翻译Recently,I have been to China International Interweigh E

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/28 21:26:01
Recently,I have been to China International Interweigh Exhibition where I had the opportunity to get to know your products,more specifically precision scales.I could observe all the details of their construction,and considered that said scales have a huge potential to be placed in the Brazilian marketplace.
In order to do so,they need to meet some standards,being the major one the requirement of having the model approved by our National Institute of Metrology,Inmetro,which is based on OILML R.74,where yield and electrical safety tests are made.Said tests are expensive and take time,but they are necessary,because scales whose model has not been approved cannot be commercialized in our Country.
KN Waagen is willing to invest in your line of products to get the models approved,and then start importing and selling them in Brazil.
We would like to know if your company is willing to take part in this project by bearing the costs of part of the investment required,which can be done through sending the equipment for tests,without any costs,and by accepting to make changes in the product,if required.It is also important to keep a policy of long-term partnership,as well as offering proper prices and conditions and signing a contract of exclusivity of supply for the Brazilian marketplace between your company and KN Waagen.
It follows some information about our company in order that you can get to know us better:
KN WAAGEN has been working in the Brazilian marketplace in the weighing sector for over 12 years.
Our construction basis is supported on over 20 years experience with products Sartorius A.G – Germany.
We have wide experience in sales and services of precision,analytical,industrial and platform scales.We have standard-weight calibration lab,accredited by INMETRO (Metrological Brazilian Agency,similar to PTB,NAMAS and NIST),for calibrating scales up to 12T and standard weights up to 2T.
英语翻译Recently,I have been to China International Interweigh E
为了能达到这个目标,他们需要符合一些标准,拥有一个我们国家度量衡研究所的刻度认可是最主要的要求,这都是基于OILML R.74,那里专门从事电力安全测试.上述测试是非常费时费钱的,但是他们又都是必须的,因为模型刻度如果不能被批准就不能在我们国家从事商业活动.
KN Waagen非常乐于投资你们的生产线以获得模型许可,并且届时开始进口,并在巴西销售.
我非常想知道你们公司是否乐意参与这个计划,通过承担部分必要的投资费用,这包括用于测试的设备是免费提供的,并且验货产生的相关费用.如果需要,这可以作为维持长期伙伴关系的一个条款,报价和条件你们公司和KN Waagen将签署一个针对巴西市场的非专有性供应合同
KN Waagen已经在巴西市场上重量领域经营12年多了
我们有着20多年为德国制造Sartorius A.G的丰富经验为构架基础.