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英语翻译在联合国的一个报告里面出现了Official development assistance,请问应该怎么准确的翻

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 20:21:40
在联合国的一个报告里面出现了Official development assistance,请问应该怎么准确的翻译
英语翻译在联合国的一个报告里面出现了Official development assistance,请问应该怎么准确的翻
Official development assistance 政府开发援助
Official development assistance
From Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia
Official development assistance (ODA) is a statistic compiled by the Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development to measure aid.The DAC first compiled the statistic in 1969.It is widely used by academics and journalists as a convenient indicator of international aid flow.It includes some loans.
ODA (Official Development Assistance)是日本“政府开发援助”的简称,不止面向中国一个国家,而是对许多发展中国家援助的总和.据统计,接受日本ODA的国家现有100多个.