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求英语作文 大学里面存在的问题

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 05:16:11
求英语作文 大学里面存在的问题
写两个关于大学里面存在的问题 ,不足之处,写两点就够了~字150左右
求英语作文 大学里面存在的问题
There’s an old Chinese saying:"The teacher is not qualified,if he is not strict with his students." So we can see that in former times the relations between students and teachers were serious and formal.But nowadays,maybe because of the western influence,this kind of re lations becomes less formal and more friendly,especially at colleges and universities.
College students don’t have to stand up when the teacher comes into the classroom.Students are generally encouraged to ask questions during class,to go to the professor’s office for help or to have a discussion with the tutor after class,and to phone if they need help in their lessons.
However,students are still expected to be polite to their teachers.When students want to ask questions,they usually raise their hands first and wait until they’re allowed to speak.But if a professor is giving a formal lecture,it is the wrong time to ask a question.If you de so,you are rude enough to offend the lecturer and the other classmates.
A:Teachers looking for students to talk; teachers thought,remembers that at that time the process of happening.If the student has made a mistake,looking for students to talk and tell him where the patient is wrong,do not know if he can not blame him,can be used to guide him some examples.If a teacher has made a mistake,as a good teacher must be sincere apology to the students.
A:Manage a school has a lot of work to be done,but I think the main thing should be to do a good job 5.First,the principals to focus on improving the quality of their own; Second,we must build a good team of teachers; the third,starting from the details,to enable students to develop good habits of civilization; Fourth,we must continuously improve the quality of education and teaching; Fifth,we should vigorously improve the effectiveness of school management.
First:principals to focus on improving the quality of their own
Second:To build an excellent team of teachers
Third:from the details of measures:to enable students to develop good habits of civilization
Fourth:To continuously improve the quality of education and teaching
Fifth:we should vigorously improve the effectiveness of school management
School management is a science,school management also like reading,reading a "more time thicker" and "The thinner the more time" process,as the president of both actively involved in school practice,but also from " red tape "to get out of the" school management this book "" The more time the more thin "- follow the rules of education and teaching in order to improve management performance,and achieved the best efficiency of school.Or the phrase,according to the rules of Office,according to the law to do,it will definitely meet our objective.