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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 07:23:22
著名战役:马恩河战役 凡尔登战役 索姆河战役
World War I took place in 1914-1918,it is the imperialism of the Group for the two countries to re-divide up the world,competing spheres of influence and hegemony and the first world-scale war.In it the world's military development in the history of the epoch-making.
The war in the capitalist world economy is facing a crisis of the product of capitalist imperialism into the national stage after the result of unbalanced development.Germany as early as 1879 with the formation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire against Russia,France and the military alliance,Italy in 1882 to join the alliance,which formed an aggressive military and political groups,"the alliance of the three countries" (Allied).Russia,France has responded very quickly,1891 1893 Union,Russia and France set up,followed by Britain to join and form a signatory countries.In this way,the Allies and the two major military blocs on the signatory countries to re-divide up the world,and for the colonial and engaged in a fierce struggle.June 28,1914,Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand Crown Prince would like to annex it to Serbia for the militarists,to bring his wife to review military exercises in Bosnia,in Sarajevo was the assassination of Serbian nationalists.The incident has become a cause of war.July 28,Austria declared war on Serbia.To Serbia as an outpost of Russia's hegemony in the July 30 announced a general mobilization.Aug.1,3,were Germany to Russia,France declared war,because Belgium refused to accept the German army through their territory of the ultimatum,Russia to Belgium at the same time a declaration of war.Britain has asked Germany to maintain the neutrality of Belgium,was rejected after the August 4 declaration of war against Germany.World War I was so beat up.Before and after the war has involved six 33 countries,15 million people (at that time accounted for more than two-thirds of the population of the Earth),during World War II there were about 70,000,000 people have been mobilized to join the army.
World War II reveals the war on the economy and the huge rear-dependent.War,aircraft,tanks,submarines and poison gas,such as new weapons and equipment to start a large number of troops,and for the first time a group of army (Front) campaign.The experience of post-World War II 20 years of military academic development has had a major impact on the overall war,the blitzkrieg,using tanks to win on,as well as on winning the Air Force to rely on a solid strategy for winning defense and other military theory,all from different angles sum The experience of World War II.
The famous battle:the battle of the Marne Battle of Verdun Battle of the Somme
改错题 第一次世界大战是德 奥匈 意协约国和英 法 俄轴心国两大军事集团为争夺世界霸权而爆发的一次世 第一次世界大战前几个帝国主义国家争夺世界霸权,形成重新刮分世界的局势,其主要原因是() 第一次世界大战是帝国主义战争,主要是因为 A 交战双方都是帝国主义国家 B 交战双方都为重新瓜分世界 第一次世界大战前,帝国主义国家形成了”三国同盟“和”三国协约“两大军事集团. 与一战有关下列对于第一次世界大战的看法,错误的是A.它是帝国主义国家之间为了重新瓜分世界而展开的,战争双方都没有正义感B 英语翻译1904年-1905年的日俄战争是一场日俄在中国东北广大地区开展的争夺各自势力范围的帝国主义之间的非正义战争,它 19世纪70年代后帝国主义瓜分世界的争夺焦点是什么、什么和什么.亚洲太平洋地区争夺的主要目标是什么? 阅读下列材料,回答问 阅读下列材料,材料一:第一次世界大战是交战双方国家为了重新瓜分世界和殖民地面,而进行的战争……无论 资本—帝国主义在中国划分的势力范围? 19世纪末20世纪初和20世纪三四十年代,帝国主义争夺世界霸权的斗争愈演愈烈,世界局势日趋紧张,最终酿成了两次世界大战. 第一次世界大战是帝国主义战争,主要依据是:主要交战国的目的是重新瓜分世界.为什么? 在列强瓜分中国的过程中 英国和法国的势力范围