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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/09 20:23:34
是这个吗?二月晦,入潼关,三十五里,乃税驾停宿,税通“脱”西岳庙.黄河从朔漠北方沙漠之地南下,至潼关,折而东.关正当河、山隘口,北瞰河流,南连华岳,惟此一线为东西大道,以百雉长而高大之城墙锁之.舍此而北,必渡黄河,南必趋武关,而华岳以南,峭壁层崖,无可度者.未入关,百里外即见太华屼出云表;及入关,反为冈陇所蔽.行二十里,忽仰见芙蓉片片,已直造其下,不特三峰秀绝,而东西拥攒诸峰,俱片削层悬.惟北面时有土冈,至此尽脱山骨,竞发为极胜处.   三月初一日,入谒西岳神,登万寿阁.向岳南趋十五里,入云台观.觅导于十方庵.由峪yǘ山谷口入,两崖壁立,一溪中出,玉泉院当其左.循溪随峪行十里,为莎萝宫,路始峻.又十里.为青柯坪,路少坦.五里,过寥阳桥,路遂绝.攀锁铁链上千尺幢,再上百尺峡.从崖左转,上老君犁沟,过猢狲岭.去青柯五里,有峰北悬深崖中,三面绝壁,则白云峰也.舍之南,上苍龙岭,过日月岩.去犁沟又五里,始上三峰足.望东峰侧而上,谒玉女祠,入迎阳洞.道士李姓者,留余宿.乃以余晷guǐ日影,此即剩余时间上东峰,昏返洞.   初二日,从南峰北麓上峰顶,悬南崖而下,观避静处.复上,直跻峰绝顶.上有小孔,道士指为仰天池.旁有黑龙潭.从西下,复上西峰.峰上石耸起,有石片覆其上如荷叶.旁有玉井甚深,以阁掩其上,不知何故.还饭于迎阳.上东峰,悬南崖而下,一小台峙绝壑中,是为棋盘台.既上,别道士,从旧径下,观白云峰,圣母殿在焉.下到莎萝坪,暮色逼人,急出谷,黑行三里,宿十方庵.出青柯坪左上,有柸pēi渡庵、毛女洞;出莎萝坪右上,有上方峰;皆华之支峰也.路俱峭削,以日暮不及登.   初三日,行十五里,入岳庙.西五里,出华阴西门,从小径西南二十里、出泓峪,即华山之西第三峪也.两崖参天而起,夹立甚隘,水奔流其间.循涧南行、倏而东折,倏而西转.盖山壁片削,俱犬牙错入,行从牙罅中,宛转如江行调舱然.二十里,宿于木柸.自岳庙来,四十五里矣.   初四日,行十里,山峪既穷,遂上泓岭.十里,蹑其巅.北望太华,兀立天表.东瞻一峰,嵯峨特异,土人云赛华山.始悟西南三十里有少华,即此山矣.南下十里,有溪从东南注西北,是为华阳川.溯川东行十里,南登秦岭,为华阴、洛南界.上下共五里.又十里为黄螺铺.循溪东南下,三十里,抵杨氏城.   初五日,行二十里,出石门,山始开.又七里,折而东南,入隔凡峪.西南二十里,即洛南县峪.东南三里,越岭,行峪中.十里、出山,则洛水自西而东,即河南所渡之上流也.渡洛复上岭,曰田家原.五里,下峪中,有水自南来入洛.溯之入,十五里,为景村.山复开,始见稻畦.过此仍溯流入南峪,南行五里,至草树沟.山空日暮,借宿山家.   自岳庙至木柸,俱西南行,过华阳川则东南矣.华阳而南,溪渐大,山渐开,然对面之峰峥峥高峻挺拔也.下秦岭,至杨氏城.两崖忽开忽合,一时互见,又不比木柸峪中,两崖壁立,有回曲无开合也.   初六日,越岭两重,凡二十五里,饭坞底岔.其西行道,即向洛南者.又东南十里,入商州界,去洛南七十余里矣.又二十五里,上仓龙岭.蜿蜒行岭上,两溪屈曲夹之.五里,下岭,两溪适合.随溪行老君峪中,十里,暮雨忽至,投宿于峪口.   初七日,行五里,出峪.大溪自西注于东,循之行十里,龙驹寨.寨东去武关九十里,西向商州,即陕省间道偏僻之捷路,马骡商货,不让潼关道中意即不比潼关道中少.溪下板船,可胜五石舟.水自商州西至此,经武关之南,历胡村.至小江口入汉者也.遂趋觅舟.甫定,雨大注,终日不休,舟不行.   初八日,舟子以贩盐故,久乃行,雨后,怒溪如奔马,两山夹之,曲折萦回,轰雷入地之险,与建溪无异.已而雨复至.午抵影石滩,雨大作,遂泊于小影石滩.   初九日,行四十里,过龙关.五十里,北一溪来注,则武关之流也.其地北去武关四十里,盖商州南境矣.时浮云已尽,丽日乘空,山岚重叠竞秀.怒流送舟,两岸浓桃艳李,泛光欲舞,出坐船头,不觉欲仙也.又八十里,日才下午,榜人摇船的人以所带盐化迁柴竹,屡止不进.夜宿于山涯之下.   初十日,五十里,下莲滩.大浪扑入舟中,倾囊倒箧,无不沾濡.二十里,过百姓滩,有峰突立溪右,崖为水所摧,岌岌欲堕.出蜀西楼,山峡少开,已入南阳淅川境,为秦、豫界.三十里,过胡村.四十里,抵石庙湾,登涯投店.东南去均州,上太和,盖一百三十里云.[2]
February night, in Tongguan, in thirty-five, but the car parked in tax, tax" and" Xiyue temple. The Yellow River from the new desert north desert south, to Tongguan, and the presentation of the east. Shut while river, mountain pass, North Red River, south of Huayue, but this line for the East-West Road, to 100 pheasant long tall wall lock. Abandon this north, will cross the Yellow River, South will hasten force, which is to the south, cliff cliffs layer, no degree. No entry, a hundred miles to see too Wu a cloud; and entry, as long as my gang. Twenty miles up, suddenly see Hibiscus patches, has made its straight, not only must show three peaks, but things have to save Zhu Feng, all pieces cut layer overhangs. But the North has Tugang, so far as off the mountain bone, compete for a win. On the first day of March, in the Mountain God ye, Deng Wanshou pavilion. Yue Nan hasten to fifteen, into the console view. Guide to find ten Fang An. By the valley of Y concentration valley mouth, two cliffs rise steeply, a creek in Yuquan hospital, when the left. Along with Valley Creek ten miles, as the sarros palace, the road was steep. Also in ten. For Qingkeping, Lu Shaotan. In five, after Liao Yang bridge, Lu Sui. Climbing the padlock shackle thousands of feet tall, and hundreds of feet gap. From the cliff on the left, the furrow, ridge had a monkey. To Raymond Green in five, peak North hung deep cliff, cliffs on three sides, then Bai Yunfeng. Homes on the south, Cang Long Ridge, past the sun rock. To plow and in five, only three peaks on the foot. At the east side and on the peak, we jade temple, the Ying Yang hole. Taoist Li family name, leaving Yu Su. Is more than Gu sundial shadow, the remaining time east peak, with back hole. The second day of the summit, from the south peak, South Cliff hanging down, view a retreat. Complex, straight ascend peak height. A small hole is arranged on the Taoist, refers to" pool. Next to Black dragon Pool. From the west, complex in Xifeng. The peak rises, with its stone cladding such as lotus leaf. Next to jade well is very deep, to mask its pavilion, somehow. Also rice Yu Yingyang. East peak, South Cliff hanging down, a small station on the vast Valley, is for the board station. Both, not monks, from the old trail, view of Bai Yunfeng, the house in the clouds. Next to the sarros Ping, the pressing, urgent Valley, black line in three, at ten Fang An. A Qingkeping left, a blank P I um, Mao Nv hole; the sarros Ping on the right, above all, the Zhi Feng peak. The road to cut all kurtosis, sunset to climb. On the third day, line fifteen, into the temple. West five mile, Huayin Simon, from the path in twenty, a deep valley in Southwest China, namely Huashan West Third Valley also. Two cliff towering up, clip made very narrow, water flow during. Along the South stream line, swiftly and East fold, swiftly and West to. Cover the mountain wall film cutting, all rows from the teeth. The fault is entered, loopholes in the flowing, such as Jiang Hang tone class ran. In twenty, old Yu Mubei. Since the temple, forty-five miles away. On the fourth day, ten miles, mountain valley is poor, and on Wang ling. In ten, to follow its summit. North of Taihua, stand out day table. East bringing a specific peak, Saga, and cloud in Huashan. Only then realized thirty Southwest has Shaohua, namely the mountain there. South ten mile, a river from the southeast northwest Sichuan injection, for the. Back in East Sichuan line ten in Qinling Mountains, South Huayin, climb, Luonan circles. A total of five upper and lower. And ten in the Yellow screw shop. Along the creek southeast, in thirty, against the young city. On the 5th, twenty miles, Shimen, hill was opened. Also in seven, folded into the compartment where the valley southeast. In twenty, the county valley. Three miles southeast, crossing, line Yuzhong. In ten, the mountain, is from west to East, namely Henan crossing of high also. Crossing the Los complex on ridge, said Tian Jiayuan. In five, under the Yuzhong, water from south to los. Back in the village, in fifteen, for the. Mountain complex opened, only to see the rice field. This still back into the South Valley, five miles to the south, trees and ditch. MT-null sunset, sleepover mountain home. Since the temple to wood blank, all over the southwest bank, Huayang Sichuan southeast away. The south, mountain creek gradually, involute, ran across the peak Zheng-Zheng and also Gao Jun. Qinling Mountains, to the young city. Two cliff suddenly opened and closed, a mixed, but not Yuzhong than wood blank, two cliffs rise steeply, back to the song without the opening and closing is also. The sixth day, through double, where in twenty-five, rice dock bottom fork. The westbound Road, namely to Luonan. And ten miles southeast, into the business world, to more than 70 in Luonan shall be. Also in twenty-five, the mouth of Long Ling. Winding ridge line, two Creek buckling clamp. In five, under the ridge, two Creek for. Along with the creek line Laojun Yuzhong, in ten, the rain suddenly to, put up at the. The seventh day, five miles, a valley. Dasi West note in the East, along the line of ten miles, lucky village. East Village to Wu Guan ninety, West to business, namely, Shaanxi Province byroad remote Czech way, mule to goods, not let Tongguan Italy is not less than Tongguan. Creek under the board, defeating five Shi Zhou. Water from the business west at this point, the force of the south, Li Hu village. To the small river in Chinese is. Then find the boat. Just set, rain in the note, all day long over, boat. The eighth day, rime to peddle salt so long, but after the rain, anger, such as horse Creek Mountain, two clamp, turns around, thunder into danger, and the river is. While the rain to resume. Afternoon against the shadow stone beach, rain is big, and park in the small stone beach. On the 9th, forty miles, over long off. In fifty, North Creek to note, the force itself. The north to Wu Guan forty, cover business south exit do. When the clouds have done, we take the empty, mountainous overlapping show. Nu flow boat, cross-strait Nongtaoyanli, floodlight to dance, a boat, don't feel desire celestial being also. Also in eighty, day afternoon, chart Thai people to people with salt moved to Chai Zhu, repeated check in. Overnight in the mountains under the sea. The tenth day of the month, in fifty, under the lotus pool. Waves and threw herself into the boat, but all walks, all without exception to moisten. In twenty, after people beach, peak break Creek right, cliff water break, critical to fall. The Shu Lau, gorge less open, enter Nanyang Xichuan exit, Qin, relaxation circle. In thirty, after Hu village. In forty, against the Stone Temple Bay, Deng Ya put up at an inn. Southeast to all States, on Wo, one hundred and thirty cloud cover. [2 ] in