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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 11:22:03
Mark Twain, who wrote the story we're reading, traveled quite a lot, often because circumstances, usually financial circumstances forced him to. He was born in Florida Missouri in 1835 and moved to Hannibal Missouri with his family when he was about four years old. Most people think he was born in Hannibal. But that isn't true. After his father died when he was about twelve, Twain worked in Hannibal for a while and then left so he could earn more money.

He worked for a while as a typesetter on various newspapers and then got a job as a river pilot on the Mississippi. Twain loved this job and many of his books show it. The river job didn't last however, became of the outbreak of the civil war. Twain was in the army for just two weeks and then he and his whole company went west to get away from the war and the army. In Nevada and California Twain tried to find silver and gold without much luck but did succeed as a writer.

Once that happened, Twain traveled around the country giving lectures and earning enough money to go to Europe. Twain didn't travel much during the last ten years of his life, and he didn't publish much either.

Somehow his travels inspired his writing, Like many other popular writers, Twain derived much of the materials for his writing from the wealth of his own personal experiences
女朋友说她现在是两点一线的生活方式.请问什么叫“两点一线”的生活方式? 三岁半的女儿扁桃体发炎,开了十针青霉素,上午八点下午五点,一天两针.头两天是妻子带她去.她怕打针,不肯去.妻子就骗她,说 一个饭桌上吃饭,有我,老公,五岁女儿宝宝,公婆,和老公的堂姐,老公小姑妈.吃饭时堂姐问宝宝给谁亲,我婆婆说给她妈妈(我) 双关句双关句跟心仪的人说话 我们谈话内容 主要是追求她的意思.他说我无病呻吟 我说是病入膏肓 她说她的无病呻吟是双关句 一个我爱着几年的女孩子.经常和我暧昧 是嫉妒暧昧 有一天我发脾气和她挑明关系的时候.她这样说.不知道从什么开始融入了我的 那个聋哑女孩,给警察说她看见她妈跳楼死的,但是结尾,她爸给警察说他妻子是开枪自杀的,也是他女儿看见的... 英语翻译我是A和B的小女儿.我写这封信给您是为了我母亲的法律地位.我们的律师告诉我们,她的I-730申请已经被拒绝.我想 我快烦死了我有一个堂姐,她有一个小女儿,先声明下,我不是不喜欢她的女儿,而是她做了那些事又让我觉得紧张,又害怕.每次她把 有一篇英语阅读是讲爸爸和女儿打球,女儿连一个最简单的球都接不到,爸爸说;keep your eyes on the ba 认识7,8年了,关系一直暧昧.昨晚问她喜不喜欢我.她说喜欢,但是不是那种爱情的喜欢.是什么情况. 微小说 什么意思他在她的城市偶遇她,见到依然美丽的她和她可爱的女儿.街旁叙旧,他谎称已结婚了,有一比她女儿大一点的儿子. 改转述句:我对她说:“你回去告诉你妈妈,说今天同你玩的是世界有名的作家萧伯纳.”