作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

1 who is the boy over there?--------is my brother A he B his

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/28 03:18:50
1 who is the boy over there?--------is my brother A he B his C Him 这道题我选的是b,可是为什么正确答案是A 呢2 ------ IS my muther and that is my that is my sisyer this is,可是我选错了
3 is this your ruler no,it isn,Is-------- ruler Amy BherC he Dhim
4 Is this your ----- ruler Aa BanCtheD没有
5 where are the apples?A It‘s on the tabie BOn fioor Cthey are in the fioor D uncie the bed
6---- the books ---the sofa A is inBis on Care in Dare on
1 who is the boy over there?--------is my brother A he B his
1 who is the boy over there?--------is my brother A he 正确答案是A因为这是对主语提问的
2 ------ IS my mother and that is my that is my sisyer 这道题的答案是 this is,
this指代 离自己较近的 人或物
3 is this your ruler no,it isn‘t,it is-------- ruler 答案是B her
4 Is this your ----- ruler 答案是D没有 限定词只能用一个
5 where are the apples?D under the bed这是简单回答
6---- the books ---the sofa 答案D are on
再问: 3 is this your ruler ? no,it isn‘t, it is-------- ruler 答案是B her第三题为什么要选b呢,我选的c,错了,可是我不知道为什么选b
再答: 选c是错的 因为 he 不能作定语 不能说 这是他尺子 选b her 是定语 这是 她的尺子
再问: 那第6题为什么会选d呢,我选的a,错了可是
再答: 选a 错大发了 主语是复数 必须用are 书在沙发上 是点与面的 接触 用on
再问: 第3题还是有点不懂,为什么不能选d呢
再答: 如果选d 应该是物主代词 his 而不是宾格代词him