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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 07:05:11
( ) 21.______ carefully ,and you will ______something .
A.Hear ,hear B.Listen ,hear C.listen to ,hear D.Hear ,listen to
( ) 22.–Wouldyou like to go to the concert with me
--I’d love to ,______ I’m afraid I have notime .
A.so B.or C.and D.but
( ) 23.--Youplay the piano so well .How long have you learnt it
--______ tenyears
A.In B.By C.For D.Since
( ) 24.Thepretty girl ______ is my good friend .
A.whom I
had a talk with B.which I had a talk
C.who I
had a talk D.whom I had a talk
( ) 25.–Doyou often watch Man and Nature on TV
--Sometimes .It’s an interesting program ,but I ______ Sports News .
A.prefer B.want C.enjoy D.miss
( ) 26.We allknow that Mary ______ Chinese better than Maria .
A.doesspeak B.speaks does C.do speak D.speaks do
( ) 27.Marygot married last week .This is the ______ news .
A.late B.latest C.later D.most latest
( ) 28.______you do ,I will support you .
A.Whenever B.However C.Whoever D.Whatever
( ) 29.Thework was ______ .
A.on theshow B.on the display C.in display D.on display
( ) 30.I sawher ______ with her neighbors when I walked past .
A.chat B.chatting C.chating D.to chat
( ) 31.You’resure if you do it that way .
A.to fail B.failing C.failed D.of fail
( ) 32.–Howdo you like the concert given by the Foxy Ladies
--Exciting ,______ one of piece of the music wasn’t played quite well .
A.so B.though C.because D.and
( ) 33.Thiskind of apples tastes ______ and sells ______ .
A.good ,good B.well ,well C.good ,well D.well ,good
( ) 34.Thepolice caught the man ______ stole my handbag .
A.he B.that C.whom D.which
( ) 35.Iprefer ______ too much food that is fried .
A.to noteat B.eating not C.not to eat D.not eating
( ) 36.Eatinga ______ is good for your health .
A.balanced food B.balanced diet C.balance food D.balancing food
( ) 37.Henodded his head ______ .
A.inagreed B.on agreement C.in an agreement D.in agreement
( ) 38.Who doyou have to ______
A.takecare B.take care of C.take care for D.take careful of
( ) 39.Mysister is very forgetful .You can’t ______ her ______ here on time .
,to be B.show
,to be C.suggest ,being D.suit ,be
( ) 40.The girl thinks she is lucky to be inthis school for the ______ English course .
A.five–months B.five month C.five month’s D.five months’