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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 21:45:57
轻快、含着些忧伤的吟唱.将人们带入那片人们自己心中含藏已久的田野.主旋律就仿佛是现实中不可跨越的责任,然而反复的和声却是在人们心中永远不会遗逝的对自己理想的执着,仿佛主旋律是一直跟从着和声,而和声带领的主旋律.就像人在现实中一直是在为不可实现的梦想而奋斗.纵然无法实现,但只要有那一颗奋斗的心,生命就会精彩,就如旋律一般轻快明朗.可能初听这首歌,被社会压得喘不过气来的人们,会黯然落泪,但正因共鸣产生,逐渐由一种哭诉,演变成一种理解.一种劝解,让人们淡然面对现实的残酷.或许 Valder fields 根本不存在,但人们心中的那片田野却是一直存在的,从而成为了人们的追求.这首歌也正因向所有对现实失望的人给予鼓励而让听过的人爱上了这位“知己
Light, with some sadness of sing. Will people into the slice of people's own heart including Tibetan already a long time of the field. Main melody in reality as if it do not cross the responsibility, but repeated harmony is in people's hearts will never die off of his ideal of the persistent, as if the main theme is always follow the harmony, and harmony of the main melody led. Just like people in reality is always in is not a dream and struggle. Even though unable to realize, but as long as there is that a struggle of heart, life is wonderful, just as general light clear melody. Early may listen to this song, is social overwhelmed people, will dim, but because of resonance tears, by a gradual produce crying, evolved into a kind of understanding. A kind of exhortation, let people had to face the reality of ruthlessness. Perhaps Valder fields simply did not exist, but people in the heart of that field is always there, thus becomes the people's pursuit. The song also because of reality to all disappointed man to encourage and to allow the people fell in love with the "bosom friend