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英语翻译His journal contains entries covering a total of 189 day

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 05:20:36
His journal contains entries covering a total of 189 days.These entries range from ecstatic to grim with McCandless' changing fortunes.In July,after living in the bus for several months,he decided to leave,but found the trail back blocked by the Teklanika River,which was then considerably higher and swifter than when he crossed in April.There was an easy method of crossing a short way down the river (See second to last paragraph).Unfortunately,McCandless was unaware of this because the only navigational aid in his possession was a tattered road map he had found at a gas station,which did not contain the type of detailed topographical information which could easily have saved his life.[2]
On August 12,McCandless wrote what are assumed to be his final words in his journal "Beautiful Blueberries".He tore the final page from Louis L'Amour's memoir,Education of a Wandering Man,which contains an excerpt from a Robinson Jeffers poem entitled "Wise Men in Their Bad Hours":
Death's a fierce meadowlark:but to die having made
Something more equal to centuries
Than muscle and bone,is mostly to shed weakness.
The mountains are dead stone,the people
Admire or hate their stature,their insolent quietness,
The mountains are not softened or troubled
And a few dead men's thoughts have the same temper.
On the other side of the page,McCandless added,"I HAVE HAD A HAPPY LIFE AND THANK THE LORD.GOODBYE AND MAY GOD BLESS ALL!"
On September 6,1992,two hikers and a group of moose hunters found this note on the door of the bus:
"S.O.S.I need your help.I am injured,near death,and too weak to hike out of here.I am all alone,this is no joke.In the name of God,please remain to save me.I am out collecting berries close by and shall return this evening.Thank you,Chris McCandless.August?"[1]
His body was found in his sleeping bag inside the bus,weighing an estimated 67 pounds.He had been dead for more than two weeks.His official cause of death was starvation.
Biographer Jon Krakauer suggests two factors may have contributed to McCandless's death.First,he was running the risk of starvation due to increased activity,compared with the leanness of the game he was hunting.[4] However,Krakauer insists starvation was not,as McCandless' death certificate states,the primary cause of death.Initially,Krakauer claimed McCandless might have ingested toxic seeds (Hedysarum alpinum).However,extensive laboratory testing proves conclusively there was no alkaloid toxin present in McCandless' food supplies.In later editions of the book,therefore,Krakauer has speculated a fungus Rhizoctonia leguminicola could have grown on the seeds McCandless ate.However,there remains no evidence to support Krakauer's theory,and all forensic data suggest starvation.
英语翻译His journal contains entries covering a total of 189 day
在8月12日,McCandless在他的日记里写的“美丽的蓝莓”很可能是他的遗笔.他撕掉了路易斯L'Amour的回忆录"一个漫步的人的教育"最后的那一页,上面写着Robinson Jeffers所做的诗"仁慈之人的苦难时光".
传记作者Jon Krakauer提出有两个事件也许要归功于McCandless的死亡.首先,他冒饥饿之险增加的活动,比他寻找的比赛要更无价值.[4]然而,Krakauer坚持饥饿不是作为McCandless的死亡证书的主要死因.最初,Krakauer声称McCandless也许已经咽下了毒性种子(Hedysarum alpinum).然而,实验室普遍试验决定性地证明了当前供应给McCandless的食品中没有生物碱毒素.因此,在书的下一版版,Krakauer推测在McCandless吃的种子中可能长有一种真菌Rhizoctonia leguminicola.然而,那里没有包含可以支持Krakauer的理论的证据,所以所有的法庭都建议采取饥饿而死的证据.