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尽早回答,1.The damaged ship will not be able to reach the land u

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 10:27:35
1.The damaged ship will not be able to reach the land under its own (B).
A.energy B.power C.fuel D.force 为什么不选C?
2.What I've said about this person(B)anyone else who workson my farm.
A.brings in B.goes for C.balances with D.comes for
3.He was pleasedwith the way __she accepted the gift__he gave her.(A)
A./;/ B.that;that C./;what D.how;that
4.Only after she had been studying English for three years (D) it wasn't easy to develop an interest in studying it.
A.she realized B.she had realized C.had she realized D.did she realized
尽早回答,1.The damaged ship will not be able to reach the land u
1.句子一开始就强调了"the damaged ship",可见与能源C.fuel无关,因此选择B.power.(本人很讨厌这种模棱两可的题目,既然power可以,那么energy和force也是说得通的但是选择fuel是明显错误了)
2.首先分析句子成分得知应该填一个谓语,可恶的是四个都是动词性的,只好来看搭配brings in表示带来,goes for表示与.相搭配,balances with表示与.相平衡,comes for表示为了.而来,句子的意思是"我所说的那些关于他的话______其他和我一起在农场工作的人".只有goes for说得通.(这题也是出得非常不好的不及物动词和介词的搭配问题,其实这里最佳答案应该是goes with)
3.按掉空格看到的是3个完整的句子,于是这题考察的是复合句,包括从句的用法.the way与后面的she accepted the gift是一个宾语和补语的关系,亦即she accepted the gift是一个形容词性的从句修饰the way.同理,he gave her也是一个修饰the gift的形容词性从句.连接词,像what which that how,etc,只有在名词性从句中做一个成分存在的时候是不可省略的,比如这句种如果把the gift改成一个what,即"she accepted WHAT he gave her"那么what he gave her是一个一个名词性的从句,并且在主句中担任了宾语的成分.于是本题答案选在2个连接都省略的选项,A.(个人评价这题出的依然不好,是可以省略,但是并非必须省略,相反,在the way后面加上一个that反而有助于理解句子,最佳答案应该是that;/)
4.这一句考的是倒装,句子的实际语序应该是:She realized that it wasnt easy to develop an interest in studying English after she had been studying English for three years.句子强调了"after she had been studying English for three years"英国人愚蠢的强调手法就是把重要的东西提到句子前面,刚好和我们相反,于是变成了题目中的样子,并且由于强调的部分刚好是个从句,为了取消其在句子中的独立性,必须要把剩下的句子成分的主干中倒装,即,主谓颠倒,就是把she realized改成疑问句的形式:did she realize.如何判断此处应该是过去时而不是过去完成时,可以从句子当中的时间介词after来判断,应该是先had been study English for three years,然后在realized.(个人觉得这题是唯一一道没有争议的题目,尽管句子中还是出现了指代不明.)