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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 17:23:39
A: I hope you don't mind but I want very much to watch the game coming this saturday.B: I certainly do mind but there's nothing I can do about it is there.A: How much is this suit case?B: 200 dollars, sir.A: Oh, that's too expensive. B: You see, it's real leather and it is made in Italy.A: How was your grandma feeling these days?B: Much better, thanks. She will be coming home in a few days. The operation was a success and she will recover soon.A: Do you see Kevin's new haircut? It is pretty strange, don't you think?B: I don't know I mean it would not look good on you, but on him.. well, I think it really matches his beard.A: I  wander what happened to Cindy. She has not been around for at least three weeks.B: She took a leave to see her mother in Europe. A: When will she come back?B: Next monday.第二节A: Emergency line. Could I help you?B: Yes, I want to report an accident.A: Would you please give me the details, sir?B: A taxi hit a track on Highway 818.A: Has anyone been badly injured?B: I am not sure but the track driver says he's ok but the passenger in the taxi might have broken his leg.A. May I have your name, please?B: Bill Thompson.A: Thank you, Mr. Thompson.We will send an ambulence and a police car immediately. It is 9:54. And they should be there at 10 o'clock. Thanks again.A: Did you get to talk to the Tompkins about their trip to Costa Rica?B: Oh, yes. They said they had a great time.A: What did they say the weather was like?B: They said it's too hot. They suggested we take shirts.A: Did you ask about the hotels?B: It seems they had great service and were not expensive.A: Yeah, that's what I have heard. Did they say they had any language problems?B: Sometimes. They tole me that they heard hardly anyone spoke English except people in the hotels. And they found people in the hotels very helpful and friendly.A: That's very good. Did they buy much when they were there?B: Not much. They said they didn't buy clothes.  They were much more expensive than those in the UK. But they told me we could get gold and jewelry for very little.A: Hello, do your remeber me? I've bought some box vises  from you yesterday. I thought I come back to buy a few postcards. My sister used to always send postcards to herself whenever she went anywhere. I want to do that too.B: Ok, we have plenty of postcards to choose from. The same designs could also been found on these posters.A: Posters are difficult to travel with. I think I would just buy the postcards. I heard you might also have some of the masks that were made in Venice.B: Yes, we do. Would you like me to get one down for you to look at?A: Yes, I think I would like the green mask. I would also like to buy some chocolate. It's my girl friend's birthday today. B: We've got plenty to choose from here.A: Hi, Sam, what are you doing out here? There is a practice starting in 5 minutes for the school play.B: I am not going to be Romeo any more. Ms Hei says my voice is not loud enough.A: Oh, that's too bad. I know she asked you to speak louder in the first few practics we had. But you did what she said.A: Well, she says she will not give me another chance to be Romeo. She offers me another smaller part but I don't really want it.B: Why don't take the part she's offering? Maybe you can have a bigger part next time.A: You cannot persuade me. I  spent such a long time learning Romeo's speeches. I can not  start again. I am going to offer to do the scenery instead. They are still looking for someone to do that.B: Sam, at least I'll see you at the practices. Come on, man.A: I won't come today. I will meet Ms Hei later and see what she thinks of my idea.A: This is Bob Smith from Channel 13 News. I am at the scene of a fire that occured earlier today. The fire broke out at the 3-story building behind me. Unfortunately we are not able to get any closer because there is still danger. However, those who happened to be passing by say they noticed the fire coming from the building earlier this morning. It was believed that everyone had been taken to the safety. However, one mother Susan Corner when she returned and noticed the fire, she burst into tears because she realized that her 3-month old baby was still inside. However, some people reported seeing a dog-the family dog- pulling the baby to safety by the baby's clothes. Fortunately everyone is reported to be fine. The baby was taken to the hospital as well as the dog. But we are happy to see at this time it looks like that everyone will be fine. This is Channel 12 News.
Ps. 纯人工手打,真是闲得太无聊了==如果是作业的话还是自己做比较好哦,这种听写对提升听力和写作很有帮助的.Best Wishes:)