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问一个长难句的语法 只问一处

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 06:43:40
问一个长难句的语法 只问一处
It is recounted of Carlyle that when he heard of the illness of his friend,Henry,he went off immediately to visit him,carrying with him in his pocket what remained of a bottle of medicine formerly prescribed for an indisposition of Mrs.Carlyle’s.
我想问的是疑问词what 引导的名词性从句
what remained of a bottle of medicine formerly prescribed for an indisposition of Mrs.Carlyle’s.
what remained of a bottle of medicine 这个名词性从句怎么理解
是不是分裂结构 ——原形这样 what of a bottle of medicine remained?
这个名词性从句化为疑问句 是什么样的
问一个长难句的语法 只问一处
赞同你的看法.还原后就是what of a bottle of medicine remained.由于这样使用使人感到头重脚轻,所以为使句子平衡,就变成了what remained of a bottle of medicine.
这个句子化为疑问句还是:what of a bottle of medicine remained?因为what就是句子中的主语(对主语提问).
再如:Little of the original architecture remains(摘自朗文词典)对主语little加以提问就变成了:what of the original architecture remains?稍作调整就变成了你所理解的那种结构:what remains of the original architecture