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英语翻译The Siberian tiger (also known as the Amur,Korean,Manchu

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 20:22:53
The Siberian tiger (also known as the Amur,Korean,Manchurian,or North China tiger) is the largest and most powerful subspecies of naturally occurring feline.The Siberian tiger is almost totally confined to a very restricted part of eastern Russia,the Amur-Ussuri region of Primorye and Khabarovsk,a location it shares with the Siberian leopard,where they are now being actively protected.About 10% of Siberian tiger populations reside in China.
The tiger population in the Sikhote-Alin was 250 in 1992,increasing to 350 as of 2004,despite significant losses of cubs due to car accidents on the single road that crosses their territory.Illegal poaching has been brought under control thanks to frequent road inspections.It is rumoured that there are still around 20 of these tigers in the Mount Changbai area of China.
As the total population of these tigers fell to 150 in the wild,many subpopulations are possibly not genetically viable,subject to potentially catastrophic inbreeding.However,Russian conservation efforts have led to a revival of the subspecies,and the number of individuals in the Primorsky region of Russia has risen from 450 to 500 in the past decade,indicating positive growth.
The Siberian tiger can weigh as much as 700lb (318 kg) or more.In years past,scientists believed that these cats could weigh up to 800lb (350 kg),but that earlier range,which was based largely on the estimates of hunters,is not now generally accepted.Apart from the size,Siberian tigers are differentiated from other tigers by their paler fur and dark brown,rather than black,stripes.Adept hunters,they prey primarily on red deer,wild boar,roe deer,sika deer,and goral,a goatlike animal,but will also take smaller prey like hares,rabbits,and salmon.They have sometimes even been known to kill and eat small Asiatic black bears.Since it is estimated that 85% of a Siberian tiger's diet is composed of red deer and wild boar,protecting these and other prey animals from illegal hunting may be just as important to the tiger's survival as preventing direct killing of the big cats.
Siberian tigers some times cross breeds with Bengal tigers.A white Siberian tiger is usually the result of such cross breeding and it is unsure whether pure white Siberian tigers exist.
A Siberian tiger named Hodori was chosen to represent the 1988 Summer Olympics held in Seoul,South Korea.
英语翻译The Siberian tiger (also known as the Amur,Korean,Manchu
西伯利亚虎(也称为阿穆尔州,韩国,满洲,或北中国虎)是全球最大和最强大的亚种自然发生的猫.西伯利亚虎是几乎完全限于非常有限的一部分,俄罗斯东部,黑龙江,乌苏里江地区的滨海和哈巴罗夫斯克边疆区,它的位置股与西伯利亚豹,在那里他们正在积极的保护.约有10 %的东北虎种群居住在中国.
虎人口Sikhote ,阿林是250于1992年,提高到350截至2004年,尽管重大损失的幼崽因车祸单一道路,穿越其领土.非法偷猎已受到控制由于频繁的道路检查.这是传言,仍然有大约20这些虎在长白山区的中国.
东北虎的体重可以多达七零零磅( 318公斤)或以上.在过去的几年中,科学家们认为,这些猫科动物可能重达八零零磅( 350公斤) ,但早先范围,主要是根据估计的猎人,是不是现在普遍接受.除了大小,东北虎是有区别的从其他虎其苍白毛皮和深棕色,而不是黑色,条纹.擅长狩猎,猎物,他们主要马鹿,野猪,獐,梅花鹿,并斑羚,一个goatlike动物,而且也将采取较小的猎物像兔子,兔子,和鲑鱼.他们有时甚至被称为杀人和吃小亚细亚黑熊.既然是估计,85 %的西伯利亚虎的饮食组成的红鹿和野猪,保护这些和其他捕食动物非法狩猎可能是一样重要的老虎的生存造成直接预防的大型猫科动物.