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英语翻译A Hopeful Future Dr.Druker likens the current state of c

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 08:00:48
A Hopeful Future
Dr.Druker likens the current state of cancer research to the way we thought about infection before the advent of antibiotics."In the early 1900s,infections were the leading cause of death in this country," he explains."Now,when a new infection comes along-HIV,Ebola,West Nile-it makes headlines.In the future,I believe cancer will be seen the same way:Some forms will be eradicated; others will be highly treatable.And we will see someone dying of cancer as no more commonplace than someone dying of infection."
The future can't come soon enough for those with cancer now,but Doug Jenson believes patients and their families should be encouraged."They'd sent me home,saying there was nothing they could do for me," he says."I'm still here and doing great.I have ten grandkids,including two granddaughters I never would have met if not for Gleevec.Who knows what they'll come up with next?"
英语翻译A Hopeful Future Dr.Druker likens the current state of c
对现在的癌症病患来说,这样的将来尚未能企及,但病人道格 詹森坚信不管怎样,这对患者及家人都是个鼓励.“他们把我送到家,跟我说他们已经无能为力了.可我现在还活着,活的很好啊.我有八个孙子,两个孙女,要是没有抗癌药Gleevec,我哪会想的到还能看见孩子们.谁知道之后还有什么惊喜等着呢?”