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求英语作文 chinese school lief 【中国学校的生活】

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 08:28:28
求英语作文 chinese school lief 【中国学校的生活】
英语作文 chinese school lief
求英语作文 chinese school lief 【中国学校的生活】
Joy campus life
Every morning, when the golden dawn just asperses full campus, I and the learning back schoolbag, my classmates and I are back schoolbag, wearing the red scarf, happily go to school. The flowers smile at us, the birds sing for us, we started a new day.
The flag-raising ceremony begins, the classmates lined up on the playground, with the magnificent GuoGeSheng, five-star red flag rose slowly. Our visit the five-star red flag, get goosebumps, because the five-star red flag is countless revolution by the blood of the predecessors to dye, we should value the revolutionary senior creates for us study of life and conditions, double to study hard, to do the construction of the motherland successor.
Class, we committed to listen to the teacher, follow the teacher in the sea of knowledge and roam. People immersed in the milk of knowledge.
"After school, the school." thousands surplus of the students shouted loudly. We aren't like little angel.
Squeezed from campus. Students walked, part said, and report the harvest each other today. The classmates each kubla khah dripping wet, the small body on the breath of the sun eruption. Also some classmate, is probably run tired, sitting under the tree, reading a book.
In spring, the campus vibrant, you want and watch the spring scenery, singing the song of the spring.
In the summer, when we break the ten minutes lively special, we have fun playing. "" the children's day arrived, the campus with a festive atmosphere, beaming to flock to the playground.
The autumn wind blow gently, it's cool. The annual sports games held in the campus, the students laughed, shout, campus full of boiling atmosphere.
The cold winter, the north wind roar, glittering and translucent snow coming down from heaven. The students came to be heavy snow cover playground, heartily play. Some snowball. A snowman, some snowball fights. Take the snow. You were thrilled.
Joy of campus, give my childhood life bring infinite pleasures. Six chun xia qiu dong, will always cherish in my memory
My campus life
每天清晨, 当金色的晨光刚刚洒满校园,我和学们就背着书包, 我和同学们就背着书包, 戴着红领巾, 高高兴兴地上学去. 花儿向我们微笑, 鸟儿为我们歌唱, 我们开始了新的一天.
升旗仪式开始了, 同学们列队操场上, 随着雄伟的国歌声, 五星红旗冉冉升起. 我们瞻仰着五星红旗, 心潮起伏,因为五星红旗是无数革命前辈用鲜血染成的, 我们要珍惜革命前辈为我们创造的学习生活和条件, 加倍努力学习, 做建设祖国的接班人.
上课了, 我们专心致志地听老师讲课, 跟着老师在知识的海洋里尽情地遨游. 大家吸吮着知识的乳汁.
"放学了, 放学了.” 成千盈百的同学大声嚷着. 我们就像关不住的小天使,
从校园里挤出来. 同学们一边走, 一边说着, 互相汇报今天的收获. 同学们个个大汗淋漓, 小小的身躯上喷发着太阳的气息. 也有些同学, 大概是跑累了, 坐在树下看书.
春天的时候, 校园里生机勃勃, 大家三五成群, 观赏着春天的景色, 唱着春天的歌.
夏天的时候, 我们的课间十分钟热闹非凡, 我们尽情地玩耍着.“六一”儿童节到了, 校园里洋溢着喜庆的气氛 ,喜气洋洋地涌向操场.
秋风习习, 天气凉爽.一年一度的体育运动会在校园里举行,同学们笑着,欢呼着,校园里充满着沸腾的气氛.
寒冷的冬天, 北风呼啸, 晶莹的雪花从天而降.同学们来到被大雪覆盖的操场, 尽情地玩耍.有的滚雪球.堆雪人, 有的打雪仗.拍雪景.大家都兴奋极了.
欢乐的校园, 给我的童年生活带来了无穷的乐趣.六个春夏秋冬, 将永远珍藏在我的记忆里