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英语必修3重大版The Scarecrow Who Wanted to Be a Man全文

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 10:34:49
英语必修3重大版The Scarecrow Who Wanted to Be a Man全文
英语必修3重大版The Scarecrow Who Wanted to Be a Man全文
Once there was a scarecrow who stood all summer long in Farmer Smith’s cornfield and waved this arms in the wind to scare away the crows. He did a good job of it, too. He kept those great, black birds from flying down out of the sky and eating the corn before it could grow.
But he was not very comfortable and not at al happy. Since he was tied to a fence post he could never lie down at night, nor go into the house to cool himself in the heat of the heat of the day. Neither could he look up and watch the white clouds sailing through the sky, for his slouch hat was pulled too far down on his forehead. Also he was very lonely standing by himself in the wide outdoors with no one to talk to but the birds that he frightened away and occasionally a cottontail rabbit that took a short-cut through the field.
Every day he watched the farmer and his hired man working in the fields. He saw them walk to and fro as they pleased, sowing or reaping. They did not have to stand still because they were not tied to posts. They laughed and called to each other. They were free to come and go as they pleased.
“How I should like to be a real man instead of a make-believe one!” thought the poor scarecrow, “How I should like to be free! Then I should give up this lonely life and go about making friends.”
Just then a ramp dressed in tattered clothes came by. He sat down to rest on a stone not far from the scarecrow.
“Oh, Mr. Vagabond!” cried the scarecrow. “I’m tired of being just an old coat stuffed with straw. I want to be real and friendly and feel like the men that work in the field.”
“Ah,” sighed the tramp, “There is only one thing that can make you a man, and that is money jingling in your pockets.”
“How do I get money to jingle in my pocket?” asked the scarecrow.
“That is something I can’t tell you.” signed the tramp. “I don’t know how to get it myself, not without working for it.”
“You mean you have no money in your own pockets?” asked the scarecrow.
The tramp shook his head.
“But surely you are a man.” said the scarecrow in surprise.
“No, I am only half a man.” And the tramp walked away handing his head in shame.
“How can I get money in my pockets?” wondered the scarecrow. “ I have worked hard, but still I have no money.”
Just then the farmer’s boy came by. The scarecrow tried to speak to him, but the boy was speaking to himself so that he did not hear. He was saying over and over to himself, “Where shall I hide it? Where shall I hide it? I have the money for our school picnic. I want to go down to the stream to swim and I want to hide the money where no one could possibly find.”
Then he looked up and seeing the scarecrow, said, “I know. I’ll hide it in your pockets, old fellow!” So he thrust a handful of money into the scarecrow’s pockets and ran toward the stream where the boys were calling.
The scarecrow had not heard all the boy said because he had not talked very loud, but the scarecrow thought ht was being paid for his many days of labor in the field.
He jingled the money happily. “Now I am a man.” He cried, and he felt his back stiffen so that he could climb down from the fence post.
Off he went toward the town singing a happy song. But when he got to town, no one would speak to him. People passed him by without so much as a “How-do-you-do.” They did not even seem to see him.
The scarecrow was very sad. “Perhaps it’s my clothes.” he said, “I had better get some new ones.” So he went into a store and bought a new suit and a new hat. They were very becoming and he was proud to walk out onto the street all dressed up in his Sunday best. But still no one paid a bit of attention to him.
“I’m afraid money doesn’t make a man.” sighed the scarecrow.
Just then, a little girl ran out into the street. She ran right in front of an automobile. She would have been run over if the scarecrow had not rush out into the street after her. He picked her up just in time and carried her to the sidewalk in safety.
The people on the street who seen the scarecrow risk his own life to save the child, began to cheer. The mother of the little girl came running out of her house with tears streaming down her cheeks and thanked him.
All at once the scarecrow felt warm and glowing inside. He looked down at his hands and feet and saw they were of flesh and blood. He heard the rowed say, “It takes a brave heart to make a man.”