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英语翻译(一) Have you ever thought about what job you will do in

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 22:31:17
(一) Have you ever thought about what job you will do in the future?Of course,we may think about it even in our childhood.We sometimes hear little kids ask their parents."What will I be when I grow up?Can I be a pilot or a cool basketball player like Jordan?"
When I was young,I dreamed of doing many exciting jobs.When I met my best teacher,I wished to be a teacher having fun with so many students.After going to a concert,I dream of being a musician some day to bring people great entertainment.While watching the excellent players performing so well in different games,I really hoped I could become cool athletes as they were.
Everybody dreams of getting a good job and our dreams may change frome time to time as we meet different people and see different things.But one thing should always be the same——that is to work hard at school.The more knowledge we learn,the more chances we should have in the future.
So try to do well at school and learn as much as you can.Your future could be as bright as you wish
(二)Monday morning is always the worst time of a week.And everybody is in a hurry.Let's have a look at the Smiths.
"Hurry up,David!"Father knocks at the bathroom door."I'm going to catch the bus."
"I'm having a shower,"David answers."I'll be out in a miunte."
"Breakfast is ready,"Mother calls from the kitchen.She gets no answer and she goes to see what's going on."Where is David?Is he still in bed?" She knocks at his bedroom door."David,get up!" she shouts."It's 7:45.Your breakfast is getting cold."
"I'm not going to have breakfast,"David answers.Just then,the doorbell rings."It's the postman.
"Good morning,Mrs Smith,"he says happily."It's a lovely day,isn't it?"
"I don't think so.On Monday morning,this place is like a madhouse(精神病院),"answers Mrs Smith.
英语翻译(一) Have you ever thought about what job you will do in
(一)你曾思考过你将来会做什么工作吗 当然,我们可能甚至小时候就想过.有时候我们听到小孩子问他们的家长:“我长大了会成为什么?我能成为飞行员或者像乔丹一样酷的篮球员吗?”
每个人都梦想拥有一个好工作,当我们遇到不同的人,看到不同的事时,我们的梦想时刻都在变化.但是有一件事情是永远不变—— 就是在学校好好学习,学的知识越多,将来拥有的机会就越多.
"早饭好了,"妈妈在厨房里叫着.没得到回应,她就去看看怎么样了."戴维在哪?还在睡?" 她敲着他的卧室."戴维,起床!她喊道.“ 7:45了.你的早饭都冷了."