作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 06:51:25
Mik Nostrebor : Hey Ombey. Your work on the maps is fantastic. dropped a little cash @ ya
Ombey : thanks mik, much appreicated :)
Mik Nostrebor : a pleasure
Joseph Dredd : o/
Ombey : \o :)
Joseph Dredd : hi m8 how you doing
Ombey : good thanks, and you?
alexis steele : lo ombey long time no see
Cassius Hawkeye : ahh ombeys still here :)
Ombey : what brings you guys here?
alexis steele > missions missions missions
Phyrr > the location brings me here
Ombey > splendid
Phyrr > its 3 jumps from everywhere
Phyrr > :D
Joseph Dredd > yep just running a couple of missions
Kroy Kinslayer > seems like a theme
Ombey > ooh, look at Jo Dredd in his fancy schmancy Elite BC :)
Joseph Dredd > hehe
Ombey > very steep learning for that, nice one :)
Joseph Dredd > its a good ship nice fire and good resists
Phyrr > i could take 'im in this Mobile Chip Van VII
Phyrr > battle indy ftw
Ombey > lol
Ombey > battle indys are excellent
alexis steele > i use the eos command ship myself
Ombey > can anyone confirm the palladium tag opens the bonus gate on Angel Extrav mission?
Joseph Dredd > yep
Phyrr > lot of fun fighting macros in battle indies
Ombey > thought so, ta
Ombey > phyrr, i've tried it on an alt, it is good fun :)
Phyrr > :P
Ombey > dirty isk farmers need as much harassment as possible
Joseph Dredd > lets see if i get the +4 implant from the envoy on mission 7 on the encounter
Phyrr > heh not all of em are macros to be fair
Phyrr > some are just chinese players
Kroy Kinslayer > thought they had thier own eve
Phyrr > i had an a very odd convo with a suspected macro last night
Phyrr > i ended up with his email and blog site
Ombey > most are farmers not 100% macroers
Phyrr > yea i get the macros and only sometimes hit the farmers
Trracer > you guys bonded?
Ombey > what does bonded mean?
Phyrr > yea lol im taking him ratting later
Trracer > (=
Phyrr > he said he was bored of ice
Kroy Kinslayer > mining is so boring
Phyrr > skllsm
Phyrr > hges in this system in fact
Phyrr > hes*
Kroy Kinslayer > you got a groupie
Phyrr > check his bio lol
Ombey > heh heh
Kroy Kinslayer > stalker
Phyrr > he fins english hard
Ombey > ;-P
Ombey > i fin it hard to
Phyrr > lmao
Kroy Kinslayer > lol
Phyrr > yea i always convo macros first
Phyrr > no response = ice gone and ganking if i get em on client delay
Phyrr > ive ganked 9 macros this week :D
Phyrr > 1 lost 2 haulers and a barge then noticed his screen.
Phyrr > came back in a carcal and civ shield tanked me.
Phyrr > needless to say hes one carcal short now
Thorsdottir > fyi: there are 2 macros in the ice field right now. 2x mackinaws
Mik Nostrebor:嘿Ombey.关于地图的你的工作是奇妙的.下降一点现金 @ 经常大声说yah的雅皮士
Mik Nostrebor:我的荣幸
约瑟夫Dredd:o /
Ombey:\o :)
alexis steele:好长时间不见了ombey
卡修斯Hawkeye:ahh ombeys仍住在这里:)
alexis steele > 任务任务任务
Phyrr > 位置带我来这里
Ombey > 壮观的
Phyrr > 来自到处
Phyrr的它的3次跳跃 > :D
约瑟夫Dredd > yep 刚刚运转两任务
Kroy Kinslayer > 好象一个主题
Ombey > ooh,在他的想象力
约瑟夫Dredd > hehe
Ombey 非常陡峭学会为那,好一个:)
约瑟夫・Dredd 它一好船好的火和好抵抗我能采取' im 在这次
Mobile Chip 范・VII Phyrr 争斗indy ftw
Ombey lol Ombey 争斗indys 是优秀
alexis steele 我使用eos 命令船
Ombey 罐头任何人证实钯标记打开奖金门在天使Extrav 使命?的Phyrr .
约瑟夫・Dredd 是Phyrr 全部乐趣战斗的宏指令在争斗Ombey 认为如此的印度,ta
Ombey phyrr,我尝试了它在alt,它是好乐趣:)
Phyrr:P Ombey 肮脏的isk 农夫需要同样多骚扰象可能的
约瑟夫・Dredd 让看如果我得到4 植入管从使节在使命7 在遭遇
Phyrr heh 不是的所有em 是宏指令是公平的
Phyrr 一些是中国球员
Kroy Kinslayer 认为他们有thier 拥有前夕.
Phyrr i 有一非常奇怪的convo 以一被怀疑的宏观昨晚我最终获得他的电子邮件的
Phyrr 并且blog 站点最是
Ombey 农夫没有100%
macroers 我得到宏指令和有时只击中农夫
Trracer 您人被结合的Phyrr yea?
Ombey 什么做保税的手段?
Phyrr yea lol im 采取他ratting 的最新
Trracer (= 他说的
Phyrr 他乏味冰
Kroy Kinslayer 采矿如此使
Phyrr skllsm 不耐烦
Phyrr hges 在这系统实际上
Phyrr hes *
Kroy Kinslayer 您总艰苦得到了groupie
Phyrr 支票他的生物lol
Ombey heh heh
Kroy Kinslayer 潜随猎物者
Phyrr 他飞翅英国坚硬
Ombey i 飞翅它对
Phyrr lmao
Kroy Kinslayer lol
Phyrr yea i convo 宏指令首先
Phyrr yea i 总convo 宏指令第一
Phyrr 无回应= 冰去和ganking 如果我得到em 在客户延迟Phyrr ive ganked 这个星期:D
Phyrr 1 丢失2 个搬运工的9 个宏指令并且驳船然后注意了他的屏幕.
Phyrr 回来了在carcal 并且civ 盾tanked 我.....Phyrr 多余现在说hes 一carcal 短小
Thorsdottir fyi:有现在2 个宏指令在冰领域权利2x mackinaws