作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

A train stOpped at a small station.A passenger lOoked out of

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 17:40:07
A train stOpped at a small station.A passenger lOoked out of the——1——and saw a
woman selling cakes.The man wanted tO buy a一2一,but the一3一was standing quite
far away.
The man didn’t want to go幻r the cake一4一,SO he一5一a little boy who was on
the platfbrm near the carriage and asked him,“——6——is a cake?’’“Three pence,sir.’’
answered the bOy.The man gave him一7一pence and said to hiIll.一8一me a cake and
witn一9一thtee pence buy one fbr yourself”
A f=ew minutes later the bOy came back.He was一1 0一a cake.He gave the man
three pence and said.“There was only one cake len,sir.’’
1.A.door B.train C.statiOn D.windOW
2.A.cake B.egg C.apple D.pear
3.A.girl B.bOy C.man D.woman
4.A.alone B.by himself C.himself D.10nelV
5.A.shOUted B.cried C.called D.told
6.A.HOW many B.HOW much C.HOW big D.HOW long
7.A.three B.fbur C.five D.six
8.A.Take B.Carry C.Fetch D.Get
9.A.Others B.Other C.the Other D.another
l 0.A.buying B.carrying C.100king at D.eating
A train stOpped at a small station.A passenger lOoked out of
D 窗户外,车窗外
B自已去:by oneself
C叫:shouted吼 cried哭喊 told告诉 只有叫才合题意
C剩下的钱,the other