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英语翻译Scientific Advisory Board StudiesSeveral Air Force Scien

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Scientific Advisory Board Studies
Several Air Force Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) studies have advocated the development of CAV-like space delivery systems.The Space Applications Volume of the 1995 SAB Study,New World Vistas,succinctly summed up the advantages and possibilities of striking from space when it said:“Future space systems will be well suited to project force against air,land and sea-based targets anywhere on earth.Precise delivery of munitions,directed energy or electronic warfare on virtually any target,heavily defended or not,within minutes or hours of tasking and with minimal risk to U.S.forces could have a decisive impact at all levels of conllict.“13 Two of the SAB force projection recommendations for the Air Force were:1) broaden the use of space to include direct force projection against surface,airborne,and space targets; and 2) develop space munitions capable of precision strike against surface and airborne targets.
In the November 1998 Report on A Space Roadmap for the 21”’ Century Aerospace Force,the SAB was more specific concerning the need for a Munition Dispenser Reentry Vehicle.In comparing today’s capability with tomorrow’s promise,the SAB characterized the future Global Reach promise saying:“The aerospace force,with the right organization,training,and equipment,could deliver precisely calibrated effects,from taking a picture to dropping a precision munition,anywhere on earth,in less than an hour corn the “go” order,with surprise and immunity to most defenses.Larger-scale deployments would be lighter,faster,and more effective,and the need to station forces in foreign theaters would be greatly reduced” The SAB Report employed two pictures (one of which is reproduced below) which it said “illustrate the great potential of integrated aerospace power.” The figure below “sketches a scenario for a precision strike of a terrorist enclave or other time critical target.It is based on a system capable of delivering precision-guided munitions at orbital speeds ...” Such a system would permit destruction of the target in less than an hour from a National Command Authorities order with complete surprise,immunity to currently fielded active defenses and a lower prospect 1 --of collateral damage.It could equally well conduct a photo reconnaissance mission to produce proof that a prohibited action was in progress.
不是每个人英语都好的 我试着用google翻译了 结果根本就不成话 我这英语水平实在不能把那翻译的话顺成能理解的意思
到这边来提问一个问题100分,是我能提高的最高限度了 这是一篇很长的东西,我大概分了10份吧。都在baidu提问了
要是哪位英语强人有时间 就帮我看看。
要是你觉得我是不劳而获 也请你离开 毕竟这里我只能付出一些分数 因为水平有限才来求助的
那些骂人的 也请你们想想 你们真的有资格骂别人么?
CAV是通用飞行器的意思 那些写什么角速度的 你们看不懂我问题的补充么?
英语翻译Scientific Advisory Board StudiesSeveral Air Force Scien
1998年11月,一份《关于21世纪太空军的空间路线图的报告》表明,sab更关注一种叫军备分配返航器的需求.在对比现今的技术能力和展望未来技术的发展后,sab在描绘未来的世界景象时说到:“只要有正确组织、训练和装备,太空军可以对地球上的任一处地点实施极其精确的投射,不管是拍摄图像还是投放军备,所有的行动从“启动”开始到结束不会超过一个小时,让绝大多数的防御对手措手无策.更大范围内的军事部署将会变得灵活快速高效,使得在国外驻军的需求大大减少.”sab用两幅图(其中一张如下示)来说明“如图所示:一体化太空武器的巨大潜能的”图片下面是“关于精确打击恐怖分子飞地或者其他实时目标的方案草图.它是基于太空作战系统在轨道速度下精确制导的能力.”该系统能够在美国军事指挥机构下达命令后的一个小时内,绕过当今的以及正在研制的区域主动防御系统,对目标实施突然地打击1 --的附带伤害.不管是一次图像侦察任务还是在封锁行动过程中输送军队,该系统都能很好的发挥作用.