作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

1、Mr.Groft wanted to see (the dentist)《根据括号里提问》

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 15:20:59
1、Mr.Groft wanted to see (the dentist)《根据括号里提问》
2、Can you come at 10 a.m.on Monday?《变肯定句》
3、the doctor is busy at the moment《变一般疑问句》
4、my doctor came here (at 8 a.m)《根据括号里提问》
5、I had an appointment with your boss《变否定句》
1、Mr.Groft wanted to see (the dentist)《根据括号里提问》
1、Mr.Groft wanted to see (the dentist).(根据括号里提问)
Who(Whom) did Mr. Groft want to see?
2、Can you come at 10 a.m. on Monday?(变肯定句)
You can come at 10 a.m. on Monday.
3、The doctor is busy at the moment.(变一般疑问句)
Is the doctor busy at the moment?
4、My doctor came here (at 8 a.m).(根据括号里提问)
What time did your doctor come here?
5、I had an appointment with your boss.(变否定句)
I didn't have an appointment with your boss.
再问: 确定正确?
再答: yes.
再答: 质量有保证的。
再问: 补全句子 昨天早晨七点我们吃完了早饭 we finished our breakfast()()()yesterday morning 约翰两个月之前给房间通过风 John aired the room ()()() 上个月我在商店里买了三个信封 I ()()()in the shop last mouth 我昨天七点半看到他的 I saw him ()()()()()
再答: 昨天早晨七点我们吃完了早饭 We finished our breakfast(before)(seven)(o'clock)yesterday morning. 约翰两个月之前给房间通过风 John aired the room (two)(months)(ago). 上个月我在商店里买了三个信封 I (bought)(three)(envelopes)in the shop last month. 我昨天七点半看到他的 I saw him (at)(half)(past)(seven)(yesterday).
再问: 我们要考试了 请您在帮忙一道 谢谢 互译 预约() 牙痛的要命() 难受极了() 等到今天下午() 这会儿()
再答: 预约(make an appointment) 牙痛的要命(have a bad toothache) 难受极了(feel terribly bad) 等到今天下午(until this afternoon) 这会儿(at this moment)