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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/30 02:22:56
利用琅琅上口,简单易学的歌曲旋律来总结一节课的内容和重点不失为一种巩固知识、增加趣味的好方法.马克思说:“音乐是人类的第二语言.” 而歌曲是用人声唱出与语言相结合的音乐,所以说,歌曲是一种运用语言来表达思想感情的特殊艺术手段.
唱英文歌曲学英语是英语教学活动中常用的行之有效的形式.跟唱歌曲,有助于掌握句意、句型,歌曲中经常出现的一些基本句型或重要、优美的句型;有助于掌握语法,如歌曲Monkey,Monkey,What Are You Doing?直接明了让学生掌握现在进行时态的基本结构:主语+ be(am,is,are)+ 动词的现在分词;跟唱歌曲,在优美的旋律中欣赏异域文化的同时,对英美文化有一个具体的了解,在不知不觉中学会了很多习惯用法,也使学生的英语水平、跨文化交际知识和综合语言运用能力都得到提升.
当然由于教材中的歌曲不是很多,所以我们可以适当补充一些课外的歌曲,如《If you are happy》等,也可以复习旧歌的同时,鼓励学生创编新歌,培养学生的创新意识,如歌曲中“I have two eyes/ears/arms/legs/…”,我们可以把主语替换为“He/She has two eyes/ears/arms/…”等等.
Use of catchy, melodic songs easy to learn to summarize the content and focus of a lesson after all, a consolidation of knowledge, adds to the fun of a good way. 马克思说:“音乐是人类的第二语言.” 而歌曲是用人声唱出与语言相结合的音乐,所以说,歌曲是一种运用语言来表达思想感情的特殊艺术手段. Marx said: "Music is the second language of mankind." The song is the sound of singing and language employing the combination of music, so that the song is a use of language to express thoughts and feelings of special artistic means.
洛扎诺夫提出的暗示教学理论认为,当我们舒舒服服地沉浸于音乐歌曲时,在我们身上就会同时展开着大量的生理和心理活动. Lozanov teaching theory put forward by suggesting that, when we comfortably immersed in music and song, will be on us simultaneously a large number of physiological and psychological activities. 这时候,精神状态在形成,自由联想在奔驰,观念、情绪在起伏,创造力在活跃. At this time, mental state in the formation of free association in the Mercedes-Benz, ideas, emotions in the ups and downs, creativity in the active. 这时候学到的知识记忆特别牢固,特别持久. Learned at this time particularly strong memory, especially durable.
唱英文歌曲学英语是英语教学活动中常用的行之有效的形式. Sing songs in English English is commonly used in English teaching and effective form. 跟唱歌曲,有助于掌握句意、句型,歌曲中经常出现的一些基本句型或重要、优美的句型;有助于掌握语法,如歌曲Monkey, Monkey, What Are You Doing?直接明了让学生掌握现在进行时态的基本结构:主语+ be(am, is, are)+ 动词的现在分词;跟唱歌曲, 在优美的旋律中欣赏异域文化的同时,对英美文化有一个具体的了解,在不知不觉中学会了很多习惯用法,也使学生的英语水平、跨文化交际知识和综合语言运用能力都得到提升. Sing songs with the help master the sentences, sentence patterns, songs that often appear in some of the basic sentence patterns or important, beautiful sentence; help to master grammar, such as songs Monkey, Monkey, What Are You Doing? Straightforward now in progress to equip students with the basic structure of state: Subject + be (am, is, are) + verb in present participle; with sing songs, enjoy the beautiful melody of exotic cultures, Anglo-American culture on a specific understanding of in the habit of unconsciously learned a lot of usage, but also to the level of English, intercultural communication knowledge and comprehensive language proficiency may be raised.
英文歌曲容量大而广泛,有精华亦有糟粕,不可全而纳之,如何选取合适有用的英文歌曲适用于课堂教学中,这是个值得研究的方向. English song-capacity and wide, there are also the essence of the dross, but not inclusive of all, how to select the appropriate useful to apply to classroom teaching English songs, this is worthy of research. 根据初中不同年级学生认知水平,应选择合适的英文歌曲,可以是曲调明快、歌词朗朗上口的韵律歌,也可以是优美动听、有感人故事的经典歌曲. Junior high school students in different grades according to cognitive level, should select the appropriate English songs, tunes can be crisp, the lyrics catchy rhythm songs can also be beautiful sounds, there are touching stories of classic songs.
英语课堂中运用英语歌曲不仅能培养学生的学习兴趣,唤起他们的主动参与语言活动的意识,也能使学生们在欢快的歌唱中学英语,既能学到正确的发音,单词和语句的记忆印象深刻,又能了解英语国家的文化,拓宽文化视野,培养世界意识和人文精神. The use of English songs in English class not only to train students interested in appealing to their sense of active participation in language activities, but also enable students to secondary schools in the cheerful singing in English, both to learn the correct pronunciation, words and statements in the memory image profound, but also understand the culture of English-speaking countries, expand cultural outlook, the world's consciousness and spirit.
当然由于教材中的歌曲不是很多,所以我们可以适当补充一些课外的歌曲,如《If you are happy》等,也可以复习旧歌的同时,鼓励学生创编新歌,培养学生的创新意识,如歌曲中“I have two eyes/ears/arms/legs/…”,我们可以把主语替换为“He/She has two eyes/ears/arms/…”等等. Of course, because the songs are not many textbooks, so we can add some extra-curricular appropriate songs, such as "If you are happy", etc. can also review the old songs the same time, encourage students to Creating a new song, to develop students awareness of innovation, such as songs in "I have two eyes / ears / arms / legs / ...", we can replace the subject "He / She has two eyes / ears / arms / ..." and so on.
当然,并非所有不同年级段学生都以此分类,具体操作还应视实际情况,因此要求合理、有效地、有选择地根据学生的实际情况来选择运用歌曲辅助教学,尽力创设宽松、愉快又高效的课堂氛围,让学生在玩中学、学中玩,真正爱上英语. Of course, not all students in different grades in this section of the classification of specific operations should also be an actual situation, thus requiring a reasonable, effective and selective according to the actual situation of the students to choose to use songs in teaching so try to create relaxed, happy and efficient classroom atmosphere for students to play high school, middle school play, really love English.