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求下文英语翻译急His simplicity sometimes led to awkwardness. He alwa

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 07:06:53
His simplicity sometimes led to awkwardness. He always said what he thought, and it was fortunate that his thoughts were so kind and sweet. Sometimes he extricated himself from a faux-pas by an artfulness as simple as his offence. He was given to take down to dinner a lady sensitive about her age. "I was told," said he, with the loudness of a deaf person - "to take down the oldest lady present." Then as the storm gathered on the lady's brow he suddenly realised his offence, and said with the utmost sweetness, "- and here I am beginning with one of the youngest."
In politics Dr. Legge was a Liberal, and in those Home Rule days a Home Ruler. Mencius, he said, had taught him that every country had the right to govern itself. Could the most conservative of Tories resent a political belief dating from so many centuries ago?
His house was full of Chinese curios, which he would display to you with the pleasure of a child. Many of these were gifts to him from his old flock in Hongkong, where he was much beloved, as he could hardly fail to be.
I once heard some one ask him at a dinner party if he had not been left an enormous fortune for the work of his Chinese mission by some one or another.
求下文英语翻译急His simplicity sometimes led to awkwardness. He alwa
他总是不经意间冒犯,但是也常常能巧妙地将过失扳回来.有一次,他同一位很在意年龄的女士共同进餐,大声地说 “我都知道了,”他说,“和最老的女士一同进餐”,声音大的像是和耳聋的人在说话,当他看到那位女士眉间的不悦时,突然意识到自己的冒犯,嘴上抹蜜搬马上改口:“在我这里认为她是最年轻的.”