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英语翻译英译汉:The commuter is the queerest bird of all.The suburb

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 16:29:53
The commuter is the queerest bird of all.The suburb he inhabits has no essential vitality of its own and is a mere roost where he comes at day's end to go to sleep.Except in rare cases,the man who lives in Mamaroneck or Little Neck,and works in New York,discovers nothing much about the city except the time of arrival and departure of trains and buses,and the path to a quick lunch.He is desk-bound,and has never,idly roaming in the stumbled suddenly on Belvedere Tower in the park,seen the ramparts rise sheer from the water of the pond,and the boys along the shore fishing for minnows,girls stretched out negligently on the shelves of the rocks;has never come suddenly on anything at all in New York as a loiterer,because he had no time between trains.He has finished in Manhattan's wallet and drug out coins,but has never listened to Mahanttan's breathing,never awakened to its morning,never dropped off to sleep in its night.About 400000 men and women come charging onto to the Irland each week-day morning ,out of the tubes and tunnels.Not many among them have ever spent a drowsy afternoon in the great rsstling oaken silence of the reading room of the Public Library,with the book elevator(like an old wheel)spewing out books onto the trays.They tend their furnaces in oil drums on zero winter nights.They may work in the financial distict downtown and never see the extravagant plantings of Rockefeller Center--the daffodils and grape hyacinths and birches o the flags trimmed to the wind on a fine morning in spring.Or they may work in a midtown office and may let a whole year swing round without sighting Governor's Island from the see wall.The commuter dies with tremendous mileage to his credit,but he is no rover.His entrances and exits are more devious than those in a prairie dog village;and the calmly plays bridge while his train is buried in the mud at the bottom of the East River.The Long Island Rail Road alone carried forty million commuters last year;but many of them were the same fellow retracting his steps.
英语翻译英译汉:The commuter is the queerest bird of all.The suburb
Commuter是最怪异的一种人.他居住的居民区根本没有什么本质上的生机,他仅仅是在晚上来到这里来睡觉.除非有罕见情况,这个住在Mamaroneck(也称Little Neck),在New York工作的男人除了火车和公车的抵达和离开时间以及去快餐店的路线以外对这城市一无所知.他是一个总是坐在办公桌前的人,从来没有无目的的漫游到公园里的Belvadere塔,从没有看到池塘里水的围墙、海边钓鲰鱼的男孩、漫不经心的躺在层层石头上的女孩; 从来没有游荡New York的任何风景,因为他的时间表中间没有闲逛的时间.他已经完成了在Mahattan的钱包里挖出硬币的工程,但却从未聆听过Manhattan这个城市的呼吸,从未在这个城市的清晨苏醒过,也从为在这个城市的黑夜里沉睡过.每天早上,大约400000名男女从各种管子和隧道(注:此应该是指各种交通工具...地铁,Bus etc.)冲刺进入Irland.这其中没有几个人有曾在沙沙作响的橡树荫下的公共图书阅览室里的寂静中,与那图书电梯(像一个老旧的轮子)将书册吐进一个一个抽屉.他们在零度的冬天晚上在火炉里加满油.他们或许工作于市中心的金融地带,可是他们或许度过一整年也不曾见到Rockfeller中心里奢华的植物展览--不曾见到那些水仙、葡萄风信子 桦木、或那些旗子飘扬在一个阳光明媚的春天早晨.他们也可能在一个城市中央的办公室里工作,可是他们或许度过一整年也不曾从看墙看到过Governor's Island的风景.当Commuter死去的时候,信誉上他曾是对这世界很有用的,可是他却从未在这世界真正的游荡过.对大多数人来讲,他(指Commuter)的出生和死亡比一个在Priairie狗村庄里的人更加不正当,当他的火车被埋在东河河底的泥浆中时,人们也仍可以十分冷静地打着桥牌.去年光是长岛列车线路这一条就曾载驶了四亿Commuter,但是这其中大部分的人都只是重走他的老路而已.