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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 14:26:14
(序: 武王戎车三百两.虎贲三百人.与受战于牧野.作牧誓.)
时甲子昧爽,王朝至于商郊牧野,乃誓.王左杖黄戉 ,右秉白旄以麾,曰:「逖矣西土之人.」王曰:「差! 我友邦冢君,御事、司徒、司马、司空、亚、旅、师氏、千夫长、百夫长及庸、蜀、羌、 髳、微、卢、彭、濮人.称尔戈,比尔干,立尔矛,予其誓.」 王曰:「古人有言曰:『牝鸡无晨.牝鸡之晨,惟家之索.』今商王受,惟妇言是 用.昏弃厥肆祀,弗答;昏弃厥遗王父母弟,不迪.乃惟四方之多罪逋逃,是崇是长, 是信是使,是以为大夫卿士;俾暴虐于百姓,以奸宄于商邑.今予发,惟恭行天之罚. 今日之事,不愆于六步、七步,乃止齐焉.夫子勗哉!不愆于四伐、五伐、六伐、七伐, 乃止齐焉.勗哉夫子!尚桓桓,如虎、如貔、如熊、如罴,于商郊;弗迓克奔,以役西土. 勗哉夫子!尔所弗勗,其于尔躬有戮!」 The Speech at Mu
(Preface: King Wu the Martial, with three hundred chariots of war and three hundred (three thousand) tiger-like warriors, fought with Shou (Zhou, the king of Shang) in the wilderness of Muye. Thus was made the "Speech at Mu".)
The time was the gray dawn of the day jiazi. On that morning the king came to the open country of Mu in the borders of Shang, and addressed his army. In his left hand he carried a battle-axe, yellow with gold, and in his right he held a white ensign, which he brandished, saying, "Far are you come, you men of the western regions!" He added, "Ah! You hereditary rulers and ministers of my friendly states; you, the ministers of instruction, of war, and of public works; the first and second officers and secretaries; and you, o men of Yong, Shu, Qiang, Mao, Wei, Lu, Peng and Bo; lift up your lances, join your shields, raise your spears, I have a speech to make."
The king said, "The ancients have said, 'The hen does not announce the morning. The crowing of a hen in the morning indicates the subversion of the family.' Now Shou, the king of Shang, follows only the words of his wife. He has blindly thrown away the sacrifices, and makes no response (for the favours which he has received); he has blindly thrown away his paternal and maternal relatives, not treating them (properly). They are only the vagabonds of the empire, loaded with crimes, whom he honours and exalts, whom he employs and trusts, making them great officers and nobles, so that they can tyrannize over the people, exercising their villainies in the city of Shang. Now I, Fa (king Wu's personal name), am simply executing respectfully the punishment appointed by heaven. In today's business do not advance more than six or seven steps; and then stop and adjust your ranks: my brave men, be energetic! Do not exceed four blows, five blows, six blows, or seven blows; and then stop and adjust your ranks: my brave men, be energetic! Display a martial bearing. Be like tigers and panthers, like bears, and grisly bears; here in the border of Shang. Do not rush on those who fly to us in submission, but receive them to serve our western land: my brave men, be energetic! Which of your are not thus energetic, you will bring destruction on yourselves."