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英语翻译An integrated supply chain information infrastructure fa

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 06:26:35
An integrated supply chain information infrastructure facilitates a customer oeder to be propagated and distributed to
various players of the supply chain ,namaely manufacturers .suppliers .and transporters.A customer order may be specified
as a set of products that are required to be delivered at defferent locations .each within a certain time window .A supply
chain problem in this context can be defined as the need of fulfill the customer oeder such that the cost of products(cost
of part .manufacturing and transportation) is minimaized and the quality specifications are met with.Due to the availability
of advanceed informationtechnology (IT)capabilities ,it is imperative that we integrate the decision_making processes of
these players to solve the problem.This particular notion has led to the popularrity of the concept called Enterprise
Resource Planning(ERP).The solution of the supply chain problem is a plan consisting of several non-conflicting individual
plans of each player.this plan is generated after several task allocation .distribution.and negotiation stages.However.there
is uncertainty associated with the elements or the decision variables that are considered during these stages.Hence ,a plan
undergoes re-planning steps during its execution.The re-planning of an original plan for the deliveryof goods often results
in prohibitive costs.The additional cost may trickle down to the customer or be burdened by one of the players.In many cases .an alternative plan does not exist at the time when the original planis conceived to have failed[93][87].Therefore ,it is necessary to use the environmental information such as the information about manufacturing,traval and service times and the behavior of different players (that are available due to advanced IT capabilities) to distribute the orders among the players effectively,and reduce the number of re-planning steps and the costs incurred in re-planning.This means ,we need to develop methods to anticipate failures and incorporate these possibilities in the orginal plan itself.
英语翻译An integrated supply chain information infrastructure fa
联合供应链信息基础设施促进顾客oeder 被繁殖和被分布
供应链的各种各样的球员,namaely 制造商.供应商.并且运输者.顾客定货也许被指定
作为必需被交付在defferent 地点的一套产品.每个在某一时间窗口之内.供应
链问题在这上下文可能被定义作为需要履行顾客oeder 这样products(cost 的费用
部份.制造业和运输) 是minimaized 并且质量规格遇见与.由于可及性
advanceed informationtechnology (IT)capabilities,它是必要的,我们集成决策过程
这些球员解决问题.这个特殊概念导致了概念的popularrity 称Enterprise
资源Planning(ERP) .供应链问题的解答是计划包括几非矛盾的个体
接受re 计划步在它的施行期间.一个原始的计划的re 计划为deliveryof 物品经常收效
在禁止费用.另外的费用也许滴下下来对顾客或由球员的当中一个负担.在许多情况下.一个供选择的计划不存在当原始的planis 被设想有failed[93][87 ] 的时候.所以,它是必要使用环境信息譬如关于制造业的信息,traval 和服务时间和可利用归结于先进它能力) 的行为不同的球员(有效地分布命令在球员之中,并且减少re 计划步和费用的数量被招致在re 计划.这意味着,我们需要开发方法期望失败并且合并这些可能性在orginal 计划自己.