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亚瑟王传奇 英语大意

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/10 13:18:29
亚瑟王传奇 英语大意
亚瑟王传奇 英语大意
片名:亚瑟王(King Authur)
编剧:大卫·弗兰索尼 (David Franzoni)
导演:安东尼·福库 (Antoine Fuqua)
主演:克里夫·欧文 (Clive Owen) 姬拉·奈特丽 (Keira Knightley) 史蒂芬·迪兰 (Stephen Dillane)
发行:试金石影业 Touchstone Picture
Let me sing with inspiration
Of the man born of two nations
Of Rome and of Britain…… Arthur the blessed
Led his assault from the Great Wall……
——公元6世纪威尔士诗人Taliesin 传说公元4、5世纪的前后的中古时代,他在英国领土上推翻了数百年的罗马帝国的统治,成功驱逐了萨克森人的侵略,并通过一系列的政治和军事措施,把大不列颠逐渐推到了欧洲的重要地位,建立了一系列的丰功伟绩.关于亚瑟王的传奇,曾经流传于无数的文学名著中,电影将这些故事搬上银幕,再现了这位欧洲帝王的丰功伟绩.公元 450年,罗马帝国已经逐渐走向没落,并且意欲从英国撤离,在大不列颠各岛上,众多的领主和骑士为了争夺土地和城堡相互开战,饱受战乱之苦的人民组织起自己的游击队,积极地活跃在全国各地,具有强烈侵略性的萨克森人也乘乱进入大不列颠.整个国家处于风雨飘摇之中.亚瑟(克里夫?欧文饰)从小就在战乱中和家人失散,被人收养并成为一个被人看不起的杂役,然而魔法师预言他一定会成为神圣的英国君主,而亚瑟更是拔出了“石中剑”印证了自己的将来.亚瑟不仅仅有天赋的神力,而且拥有远大的志向,当年轻的他看到国家的这种混乱的现状,发誓要通过自己的努力让整个大不列颠群岛脱离罗马人的残暴统治,同时摆脱混乱的战争局面,他下定决心要为这里的人民建立一个全新的,充满和平宁静气氛的家园,成就自己的一番霸业.亚瑟骁勇善战和超凡的气魄令一些非常优秀的骑士为之折服,他们纷纷加入亚瑟的队伍之中,组织成著名的“圆桌骑士”,这些英勇的战士在亚瑟的带领下一路势如破竹,取得令人骄傲的战绩.在战争中,亚瑟遇到了被他们蔑视地称为“蓝军”的一组由贫民和流浪汉组成的游击队,在他们中间,有一位出身高贵的领导者,格温娜维尔(姬拉·奈特丽 饰).当时他们双方都受到凶残的萨克森人的侵略,为了战斗的最后胜利,两个从前的夙敌不得不暂时地携手,建立战斗联盟.而在这些战斗之中,格温娜维尔逐渐发现亚瑟并非自己想象的那样凶残暴虐,而是充满理想和体恤人民的仁慈,而亚瑟也发现这只一直被他们蔑视的由难民、农民和流浪汉组成的“蓝军”中存在着巨大的生命力和旺盛的斗志,这些战士才应该是英国真正的主人.战争仍在继续,但每个观众其实都应该已经知道这故事的结果,亚瑟最后成功地建立了大不列颠王国,创造了英国的历史,而格温娜维尔最终也成为了王后.
The movie king Authur gave me the deepest impression during these movies .Roman Empire was going to die in 450 AD.Authur ,this great man
appears in that time .He was so brave and perfect that makes him become a great leader .At first he was a brave leader of knights.He won so many fights just with several knights .In the important battle ,he defeated the whole army ,which really sharp my eyes.It just like the legend ,I am really appreciate him and in honor of him.
Another person in this movie who impressed me was the woman who finally married Authur I think her skill of killing enemy is no less than Authur .She was so beautiful just like a goddness.Especially in the end of the movie,she dresses the white dress,I was really shocked by her beauty and quality at that time .My god !How could the God create so beautiful woman !I am also interested in her skill of using arrows to kill the enemies .I saw clearly that the direction of the arrows were towards the sky.And the enemy were on the ground ,how could the arrows go though the enemies !I am baffled .,any way,it is not practical.
But the plot of this movie still moved me into tears .I dipped myself into it completely when I was watching it .The deaths of the great knights made me feel sad and cry.The fought for freedom and finally died for freedom ,they even didn’t enjoyed their freedom for a minute .I am proud of their spirits