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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 12:23:39
翻译这句子:一个不曾经贡献过社会的人从政府获取金钱并且认为把这些钱与朋友分享很够义气,这是荒谬的.这样翻译对吗?It is absurd that one person who hasn't contributed to the society gains money from govenment and think share it with friends means own personal loyalty.不用很地道的翻译,字面就可以了,我主要想知道有没语法错误,例如mean,think,share,own已经是4个谓语了.该怎么改?
It is absurd that one person who hasn't contributed to the society gains money from the government and thinks that sharing it with friends means to own personal loyalty.
改过的地方:1....gains money from the government...govenment应该是government,然后前面要加个the.
2....and thinks that sharing it...think 要加个s,因为是跟gains并列的嘛.然后thinks后面要加that sharing it with friends来做think后面的宾语从句的主语.
3.means to own personal loyalty.means own中间要加个to,让to own做means的宾语.或者如果你的句子里面不是一定要加own这个次的话,直接说means personal loyalty 就很地道了.
再问: 谢谢你了!解答得很详细!但是,高手。。你要救救我。。。我有时很不明白像thinks that sharing it with friends这些句子。。share就share呗,干嘛没be动词又加个ing呢?mean后面不用加to吧。。?假设own存在,sharing,mean,own不就3个谓语吗?这类问题困扰了我很久,救救我啊= =。。。
再答: 一个一个来啊。首先,要记住,在一个英语句子里面,永远只有一个谓语! It is absurd that one person who hasn't contributed to the society gains money from the government and thinks that sharing it with friends means to own personal loyalty. 这句话的谓语,其实是It is absurd的is. 对吧?后面的that one person...之后的所有是真正的主语,it是形式主语。这个首先搞清。 那么我们说过,一句里面只有一个谓语,这里谓语已经确认,后面所有的动词,就都只能是从句里的谓语或者是动词的变化形式了(即不带时态的动词) 接着看 that one person who hasn't contributed to the society gains money from the government and thinks ... who后面的来修饰主语one person的定语从句,这里没问题,后面gains和thinks是这个由that代领的主语从句中的主语one person的谓语。对吧? 然后再看 and thinks that sharing it with friends means to own personal loyalty. 这里的that后面代领的,是thinks的宾语从句了。that sharing it with friends...是这个宾语从句的主语,这里其实是一个缩写,完整的应该写成that it means (to own可要可不要) personal loyalty that he/she shares it with friends. 为什么可以缩写呢?因为这里的he/she就是前面的one person, 当主句和从句的主语是同一个人的时候,可以用动词ing形式代替he/she shares。所以才有了that sharing... mean 后面如果你要用动词own是一定要加to的。记得我们说的,一个句子永远只能有一个谓语,means是that sharing it with friends means to own personal loyalty.的谓语了,后面的动词own一定要加一个to来变成mean的宾语的。 有点绕,不懂再问哈
再问: 其实我可以这样理解吗?我们已经知道一个句子的谓语,又想加一个动词的话,只好把这个动词变成过去分词,现在分词,或者在这动词前加to。例如:learning that a giant rock was about to hit the village, all people got scared,losing their minds entirely.这个句子李,got是谓语,learn和lost是动词,但是由于只有一个谓语,若吧learn和Lost都按过去式写就变成3个谓语,因此要加ing把他们变成不是谓语么。。?
再答: 非常好!!!!可以这样理解。呵呵呵!!!说的很对。 别忘记采纳我哈。呵呵呵
再问: 我知道你很辛苦了。。我也知道我烦= =,但是最后想问一下,像我上面说的,已经有了现在分词的例子,那什么情况才用过去分词或者不定式呢?例个的句子是Alarmed that a giant rock was going to hit the village, all citizens were shocked,not knowing what to do.这个句子里,这回怎么有的用过去分词(上面learning,这里alarmed)有的用现在(本文的knowing?)麻烦可以举些例子解析一下吗?求你了T^T
再答: 没问题,这下你一定要采纳我啦~~ 总原则:表示主动的,用ing。 表示被动的,表示已经发生过的,用过去分词。 表示还没有发生的,用to do. 在你的例句里面,第一次,是村民们得知了巨石滚落的消息之后,不知道怎么办。learning,是主动的,村民们自己研究出来了这件事。 第二次,是村民被被警告说有巨石要滚落,不知道怎么办。alarmed,是被动的,表示是有人告诉了村民巨石滚落的消息。是被动的。 两句话翻译出来要表达的意思是不一样的、 learning that a giant rock was about to hit the village, all people got scared,losing their minds entirely. 得知了巨石就要撞击到村庄了,村民都吓到了,完全不知道改怎么办。 Alarmed that a giant rock was going to hit the village, all citizens were shocked,not knowing what to do 在被警告说有巨石要撞击村庄了,大家都吓傻了,不知道怎么办。 巨石的消息的来源是不同的。感觉到了吧? 但是 losing their mind 和 not knowing what to do。 都是村民主动作出的动作。对吧? 我疯了,我不知道怎么办。不是被动的。所以用ing。 用我最喜欢的i love you来举例吧。 Loving him is so sweet. 爱他的感觉真甜蜜~ Loved by him is so sweet. 被他爱的感觉真甜蜜~ 有点感觉了吧? 呵呵
再答: learning that a giant rock was about to hit the village, all people got scared,losing their minds entirely Alarmed that a giant rock was going to hit the village, all citizens were shocked,not knowing what to do. 在表示主动,正在发生的事,用ing 在表示被动,已经发生过的事,用过去分词 在表示还未发生的事,用 to do 上面第一句,learning 是村民们主动得知的。第二局alarmed,是村民们被警告的。翻译出来句子的意思不一样的。 learning that a giant rock was about to hit the village, all people got scared,losing their minds entirely 在得知巨石就要撞击村庄之后,所有人都吓死了,完全不知道怎么办。 Alarmed that a giant rock was going to hit the village, all citizens were shocked,not knowing what to do. 在被警告一个巨石要撞击村庄之后,大家都吓傻了,不知道怎么办。 但是losing their minds entirely和 not knowing what to do.都是村民自己主动的动作,对吧,我不知道怎么办,我疯了。所以用ing的 举个我最爱的I love you 的例子。 Loving him makes me so happy. 爱他让我好快乐啊。 Loved by him makes me so happy. 被他爱着让我好快乐啊。 To love him is all I want to do. 去爱他是我唯一想做的事情。 一定要采纳啊啊啊啊啊啊