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英语翻译When you write e-mail English you do not need to use pun

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 03:17:10
When you write e-mail English you do not need to use punctuation marks only in the traditional way.You are also supposed to use them to show the emotion you are feeling.These are called “ emoticons ” .The advantage of using punctuation marks is that you can make faces with them.The most common one is the happy face-it looks like this:and it is made with a colon and a right bracket beside it.
E-mail English is fun - it's almost like writing riddles.You can learn it easily by yourselves,and experiment with your own ideas.It is not rude to write e-mail English,but it is important to use it only at the proper time - when you are e-mailing a friend,or sending a message to a friend on a mobile phone.But you shouldn't use it in class,and remember your teachers will not be pleased if you write e-mail English in a test!
英语翻译When you write e-mail English you do not need to use pun
当你写电子邮件英国语的时候,你不需要只有以传统的方式使用标点标志.你也被推想使用他们表示你正在感觉的情绪.这些叫做 " 表情符号 " .使用标点标志的利益是你能和他们制造脸.一个通常的是快乐的脸-它看起来像这一样:而且它与在它旁边的一个冒号和一个正确的支架一起做.
电子邮件英国人是它几乎像写谜的有趣的-.你能容易地独自学习它,和和你自己的主意实验.写电子邮件英国语是不粗鲁无礼的,但是当你是电子邮寄一位朋友的时候 ,只有在适当的时间使用它-是重要的,或在一支行动电话上传达给一位朋友的讯息.但是你不应该在课堂中使用它,而且记得如果你在一个测试中写电子邮件英国语,你的老师将不被取悦!