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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 07:20:12
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Thank for your letter of may 12th.How glad I was when I get it.I would be very happy to be your pen friends.Now allow me to introduce myself to you .I am a boy student aged seventeen,study in senior three of hongqi high school.I am a monitor of my class.I am about to take the national matriculation entrance test after twenty days,that is,between June 7and8.you know,I want very much to be a doctor working for poor peasants that I try to make fully use of every hour and study far into the night every day
I often quarrel about my mother over whether I can watch TV after school.She holds view that senior three students have to make fully use of every minute to work hard at their lessons.It seems to me that once I am allowed to that,I will unable to control myself and forget all about my sTudy.She also thinks it is bad for my eye.But I really can not accept her ideas.In my opinion ,watch TV can set my mind at rest after a day’s hard works.Besides,it is important for us to know what had happened at home and at abroad..Thus ,we shouldn’t be forbidden to watch TV
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Thank you for you letter.(thanks 是可以的,不过thank you比较有礼貌) (直接说信就可以了,不用说日期).How glad I am when I got it.(在这里的was用法不对,如果你想用was的话,I was really(非常) glad when I got it)I would be very happy to be your pen friend (在这里是一个人).Now allow me to introduce myself to you.I am seventeen years old and I am in my senior year at Hongqi High School.(在这里你也可以说 I am a senior at Hongqi High School.基本上senior的意思是长者,在学校的话就是代表最高年级的学生.Senior year,简单说就是最后一年.有些国家高中有四年所以跟国内的说法有点不一样,或者你可以说你是12th grade student 也可以的.还有Hongqi是学校的名字,所以开头的字母要大写) I am a monitor in my class.I am about to take the national matriculation entrance test in(after 是过去式) twenty days which is on June 7th and 8th .(正常来说是这么写) You know,I want very much to be a doctor to help the poor people (我想你是指贫穷的人吧,不用说peasant也可.).That is why I try to make full(fully是副词,而在这里full是形容 use的词,跟动词无关.) use of every hour everyday even(即使学习到深夜) study late at night.(far是指距离,deep into night是可以,但用late at night 就比较合适这个情况.)
I often quarrel with(同) my mother whether I can watch TV afterschool.She holds the (指定的)view that seniors (不是senior three...)have to make full(原因跟上面写的一样) use of every minute to study hard(不用说lesson,说 努力学习就可以了 ).It seems to me that if(如果) I allow myself to relax and watch TV(that最好少点用,因为很多时候会 让人不明白你说什么或者指的是什么,清楚的说多一次比较好),I would not be able(跟你说的unble 同意思,但这个说法比较好合比较顺) to control myself and would forget to study (不知道你想指忘记去学习还是忘记学习过的东西,在这里我写的是忘记去学习...).She also thinks it is bad for my eyesight(简单说是指视力),but I really can not accept her argument(辩论,偏角).In my opinion,watch TV can set my mind to rest after a day of(‘s的含有属于的意思,要用 of.( 的;在..之中) hard work.Besides,it is important for us to know what happens at home and aboard.(我觉得这个at home 和 aboard不对...如果是想说想知道世界其他地方发什么事情的话,说 know what happens around the world.) we shouldn’t be forbidden to watch TV.