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英语翻译By Alisha,(13) Florida When I sit down in class ,I often

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 13:04:43
By Alisha,(13) Florida
When I sit down in class ,I often wonder why my teachers choose such a job .Don’t get me wrong :if it weren’t for teachers I wouldn’t be as smart as I am .But tell me:After you go to school fourteen years,will you choose to be a teacher?
After I see how students treat their teacher by disrespecting them in all types of ways,why would I want to have that job?It’s not like I would take that junk from them.Do you think they become teachers to have the freedom that they didn’t have in school?Or do they really want you to learn something?——If they do,why do they scream at you when you make a mistake,or talk?We all are not perfect,so if you don’t get a lesson they teach,why do they say you haven’t been listening?It is not all teachers that act like that.But to the ones that do,I’d like to shout at them:DON’T TEACH!
By Alice,(11) Tennessee
Look,ever since I was 2,I want to be like Julia Roberts.And I do what I can to make it happen.I try out for as many plays as I can.I get in some and some I do not get in.It is all hard work.I think try hard and you will succeed in whatever you want!
By Desiry,(13) Florida
When I grow up I want to be a successful Lawyer,who will do a nice job by making people happy.I think that I will be good at this job because I have a loud mouth and I can tell very easily when someone Is lying.
By Kelley,(11) California
I think I want to be a pediatrician because I love kids and I like helping people.I don’t know if that’s what I’ll do,but I might.I hope to be a pediatrician so I can help kids.
By Alexandra,(9) California
I would like to be a biologist.The job of a biologist is almost like a scientist.The thing that these two jobs have in common is that they both have to do something with science.My favourite subject might not be science but for sure I would like to be a biologist.
英语翻译By Alisha,(13) Florida When I sit down in class ,I often
当我看到学生如何对待他们的老师,不尊重他们在所有类型的方式,为什么我会希望有工作吗?这不是像我想借此从他们的垃圾.你认为他们成为有自由,他们没有在学校的教师吗?或者他们真的希望你能学到东西吗?- 如果他们这样做,为什么他们尖叫,你当你犯了一个错误,或交谈?我们都是不完美,所以如果你没有得到的教训,他们教的,为什么他们说,你没有在听?它是不是所有的老师认为,这样的行为.但做的,我想喊他们:不教!