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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 23:32:13
First, common food poisoning and food safety and hygiene
(A), a common food poisoning
1, poisoning beans; 2, sprouting potato poisoning; 3, milk poisoning.
(2), characterized by food poisoning
1, poisoned in a similar period of time have been eating a common food poisoning, not food poisoning do not. Stop eating food poisoning, the incidence will soon stop. 2, a short incubation period, the incidence of rapid, relatively short course of disease. 3, poisoning all the similar clinical manifestations. 4, generally do not have direct human-to-human transmission.
(C), the cause of poisoning
1, beans poisoning: toxic components of the beans is not very clear, saponin and may be related to PHA. There are more than those who eat poisoned did not burn through the history of beans. The incubation period for the performance of the poisoning for 1-5 hours for symptoms of nausea, vomiting, chest tightness, flustered, a cold, cold hands and feet, numbness in the limbs, chills. Preventive measures: should be thoroughly heated speculation, the full damage to heat toxin, it should be processed beans stewed food, water Zhuo would not be appropriate to do after the cold dish.
2, sprouting potato poisoning: toxic ingredients Yayan part of the bud and contain a large number of black nightshade-(solanine), who eat into the 0.2 to 0.4 grams can be toxic. For the early performance of the poisoning poisoning, first scratching the throat and a sense of burning, followed by gastrointestinal symptoms appear, to severe vomiting and diarrhea. Preventive measures: potatoes should be stored at low temperatures, no direct sunlight, or buried in sand up to prevent germination; germination or do not eat the potato skin dark green; sprouting potato processing, should be dredged bud, bud and Yayan part of the week; Long-Kwai case of acid decomposition, that could cook a small amount of vinegar.
3, milk poisoning: ingredients may be harmful trypsin inhibitor, saponin. Health milk is not heated thoroughly, harmful components have not been damaged, causing food poisoning after drinking. Occur in the collective dining or small restaurants. The incubation period for the performance of the poisoning and a half hours to 1 hour, mainly gastrointestinal symptoms, nausea, vomiting, abdominal up, diarrhea. Generally not heat. A good prognosis. Preventive measures: thorough boil after drinking soybean milk. Milk in the bubble, not boil, heat should continue to bubble away, boiling milk and then continue for a few minutes of heating.
Second, reasonable diet
(A) to establish a reasonable system for meals. With the learning system of regular diet, lifestyle and varies according to season. Generally good for three meals a day because of food into the stomach, under normal circumstances, 4-5 hours can be scheduled end, three meals a day just to adapt to the stomach digestive function. The distribution of heat throughout the day, the general idea of the total calorie breakfast of 25-30%, accounting for 40-50% of Chinese food. To promote eat breakfast, eat lunch, eat dinner is a small grain of truth. There are lessons in schools this morning, do not eat breakfast on the go to school, the students will make the body less heat, less energy in class, fatigue, severe dizziness will not affect the physical health and learning. Do not eat dinner Taibao to avoid increasing the burden on the stomach, the effects of sleep under normal circumstances, three meals a day from time to time to quantitative and prevent overeating. Young people to participate in regular exercise can increase the number of meals, such as the four-day meal, the five-day meal.
(2), the food is not monotonous, not a particular kind of food to eat. Some students for a variety of reasons, tend to like to eat a single meal, which is a very bad habit. A variety of food has its own nutrients, frequently choose to eat meals, the body can provide sufficient nutrients. In general, the higher the quality of lunch, eat some sugar, protein, vitamin B1, vitamin C, such as phosphorus and more food, eat some dinner should be digestible food absorption.
(C), with a reasonable diet. The promotion of fresh food mixed, with thickness. Coarse grains, flour and rice, Huncai, vegetables with each other, mixing the nutritional value of food than to eat a single food, dining, to dilute with dry, non-staple food to Hunsu with. While chickens and ducks fish contain high-quality protein, but it is unable to meet the body of the requirements of other nutrients, and a variety of vegetables contained in a large number of vitamins, and inorganic components such as cellulose, just to make up for the shortage in this area. In addition, fish, meat, poultry, eggs are acidic foods, excessive consumption of lead-acid blood, risk of cardiovascular disease. The vegetables, fruits, milk, food roots, almost all basic food, diet should be noted that with Hun Su. Each day, students should eat more than half a catty of vegetables, the better varieties, attention to the selection of calcium, iron, vitamin eat more vegetables.
(D), not overeating. Ming Dynasty, "say the East Valley," said the food of more than five people suffer from: a person stool, urine two, three sleep disturbance, weight training four or five more persons suffering from indigestion food. Modern medicine, and overeating can increase the burden on the stomach, causing digestive juice in short supply, resulting in indigestion, and even cause acute gastritis. In addition, the blood caused by overeating concentrated in the gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular ischemia relative, fatigue occurs discomfort. Quantitative should eat regularly, eat better eat 80 meals, to be slowly, do not read books, do not laugh, talk less, do not eat while walking in the street, it is necessary to develop a food wash your hands before eating a good habit.
(E) to strengthen the management of food hygiene. Schools at all levels must conscientiously strengthen management of food hygiene, and students an adequate supply of drinking water, and set up the necessary sanitary facilities, good food hygiene inspection, disinfection of drinking water, disinfection of utensils and so on; education to students do not drink unboiled water does not degenerate corruption Food; to do after they wash their hands before eating, the inhabitants firmly, "start with the mouth," the customs to prevent food poisoning and intestinal diseases.
(F), before and after food hygiene campaign. Physical exercise to improve the function of digestive organs, stop making things better and faster digestion and absorption. It should be noted, the following food hygiene requirements, it will be caused by chronic gastrointestinal diseases. 1, time to exercise and eat properly arranged. If the exercise soon after eating, loss of appetite is often very poor, no matter how good the food does not want to eat, just because the sport at the end of the cerebral cortex of the central and sympathetic movement is still in a high state of excitement, the mood is still very tense, digestive gland The secretion is still subject to a certain degree of inhibition, so do not want to eat. In this case, even if we manage to stop, the food can not be a good digestion, As time goes by, will cause indigestion, and chronic gastrointestinal problems. In general, the movement to rest after about 20-30 minutes, eat what is more in line with the requirements of Health. 2, immediately after meals, exercise, the greater the impact on the stomach. This is because the stomach after meals, activities and strengthen the digestive gland secretion, increased secretion of digestive juice. If at this time to carry out vigorous exercise will excitement caused by sympathetic and a large number of secretion of adrenal hormones, and the muscles of small arteries to expand, opening up a large number of capillaries and blood supply to focus more on the movement of organs, and a decrease of gastrointestinal blood supply. At the same time, the activities of the gastrointestinal also weakened, reduced secretion of digestive juice, gastric wall can not afford to relax, get food to fully digest and mixing, it will prolong the food stays in the stomach, resulting in acid fermentation, spit acid. Juice reduced the stomach to reduce the ability of anti-corrosion, which is easily infected with gastrointestinal illness. As a result, short break after meals should be further movement. 3, after a meal and after exercise do not eat a large number of cold. A large number of meals eaten cold, first of all, would stomach all of a sudden contraction of blood vessels, so that all of a sudden supply of blood to reduce the stomach, causing digestive be hindered. This was followed by digestive juice must be at a certain temperature to work, all of a sudden temperature lower stomach, it's also the ability, and the result will be difficult to digest food, in the course of time will inevitably have on gastroenterology. 4, the campaign just ended, due to increased body temperature, sweating a lot, no restraint of the force happy people tend to be temporary in order to suck up the cold food, as a result of the outcome of gastrointestinal disorders by stimulating and causing diarrhea, abdominal pain, and other diseases. 5, Luan Chi can not snack. Make time to eat regularly work of the digestive system, the maintenance of gastrointestinal health is an important measure. Luanchi snacks will destroy the digestive system of law, the time to eat, but decreased digestive function, which will inhibit the normal activities of eating. If it is to eat snacks or sweet greasy food, will reduce the appetite even more. In this case, if barely eat, the Food and digestive juice due to the reduction of gastrointestinal motility and slow and can not be difficult to digest. But the fruit will enhance the activities of the digestive gland and can supply vitamins, not in this case. 6, to exercise reasonable drinking water. After intense exercise, people often feel very thirsty, some people only happy moment in the campaign after a large number of drinking water, which is unsanitary. Because the movement, the contraction in the gastrointestinal tract blood vessels, reducing blood supply for the time being, most of the time all the blood flow to the muscles, muscle movement in order to supply needed nutrients and waste away more quickly. If a large number of drinking water at this time, due to gastrointestinal blood vessels, reduced ability to absorb, feel a heavy stomach bulging nausea and affect breathing. At the end of the campaign, the heart gradually reduce the burden, at this time if a large number of drinking water, water, as part of the stomach to absorb into the blood, blood circulation has increased, not only to the heart and kidneys increased, but also to further accelerate the Khan, the body so that the excessive discharge of salt. After the movement of thirst, the body is not necessarily true that the lack of water, largely as a result of exercise to strengthen breathing, rapid evaporation and to reduce the secretion of saliva Bianchou, resulting in the mouth, throat, esophagus and respiratory mucosa on the relatively dry and therefore Do not have a comfortable feeling. Then rinse as long as mouthwash, like moist oral mucosa, and then you have a sense of restraint, then it will reduce the feeling of thirst. 7, a long campaign should pay in a timely manner. If the body is a long period of time during campaigns, especially in the summer, not only consume a large amount of thermal energy, but also lost a lot of water. The body of water to reduce the machine will affect the normal physiological functions and the ability to work. When the total weight loss of 4-5%, the muscle will enable the ability to work reduced by about 20-30%, when the loss of water for 10% of the weight will cause circulatory collapse, leading to decreased function. The main signs is to speed up heart rate, body temperature rise. As a result, in time to add water is very important. Add water is the best way to a small number many times. Movement in every 15-20 minutes 100-150 ml of water, so in a timely manner can maintain water balance in the body, without increasing the burden on the heart and stomach. If a large number of drinking water continued to campaign after the water sloshing in the stomach, is uncomfortable and can cause vomiting. Drink water on the ingredients, sugar content should not be too high in general. According to the study, in the summer of sugar concentration should not drink more than 2.5% of the winter could be due to 5-15% in order to maintain the level of blood sugar.
Third, as the students should acquire a certain amount of food safety and hygiene knowledge, good personal protection, to draw attention to the following:
(A), to buy food, pay attention to whether the food packaging manufacturer, production date, over whether the shelf life of food raw materials, nutritional indicate whether or not, whether QS logo can not be purchased without the three products.
(2), open food packaging, food inspection whether it should have the sensory traits. Food spoilage can not, oil rancidity, mold, insects Health, filthy dirty, mixed with foreign bodies or other abnormal sensory traits of the food, if the protein-fat food Nien, there are food stains on lipids howl taste, the smell of fermentation of a carbohydrate Drink or unusual sediment, and so can not eat.
(C), less than a license vendors around the campus to purchase food or lunch to reduce the risk of food poisoning.
(D), to observe good personal hygiene, wash hands before eating, after it, wash tableware disinfection of their own, do not contain unclean food containers, canteens not throw rubbish to prevent breeding of mosquitoes.
(E), is the best drink boiled water, some drinks contain preservatives, coloring, and so on, often drinking is not conducive to the health of young students.
(F), to develop good hygiene practices to prevent the spread of intestinal parasitic diseases.
(G), raw vegetables and fruit to be washed before eating to avoid the election into a pesticide poisoning.
(H), eat less fried, smoked, grilled foods, such as food production will have undue toxic substances.