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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 12:23:04
Able to take something
able to endure something; able to take abuse.
--> What's the matter? Aren't you able to take a joke?
--> Stop whining, I'm not able to take it any more.
About face
to turn around or to change one's ideas or position.
(改变主意 )
--> His choice of that house was an about face from his original intention.
( 例句:他选择这个房子的念头是改变主意后的决定,和原来不一样.)
--> After he told us his plans he made an about face. I'm surprised.
( 例句:告诉我们他的计划后,他又改变注意了,让我有点吃惊.)
About to do (something)
ready to do something; on the verge of doing something.
--> Our old dog is about to die.
--> The apple tree is about to bloom.
--> We were just about to leave when you telephoned.
Above and beyond the call of duty
in addition to what is required; more than is required in one's job.
--> We didn't expect the police officer to drive us home. That was above and beyond the call of duty.
Similar: Beyond the call of duty
--> The English teacher helped students after school every day, even though it was beyond the call of duty.
Above board
in the open; visible to the public; honest.
--> You can do whatever you wish as long as you keep it above board.
--> Everything he does is above board.
--> He is the typical absent-minded professor, always leaving his umbrella and other things on the bus.
--> I wish I knew why he is so absent-minded.
According to
as said or indicated by someone or something.
--> According to the weather forecast, this should be a beautiful day.
--> According to my father, this is a very good car to buy.
According to
in or by a certain order.
--> The students lined up according to height, shortest to tallest.
--> I will consider your requests according to your age, the youngest first.
Account for
to explain what happened to someone or something.
--> How do you account for the $100 you started out with?
--> How do you account for the mud on your dress?
Act of God
an occurrence (usually an accident) for which no human is responsible; an act of nature such as a storm, earthquake, or windstorm.
--> The insurance company wouldn't pay for the damages because they said it was an act of God.
Acquainted with (someone or something)
to know someone or something by name, but not necessarily well; to know of the existence of someone or something.
--> I'm acquainted with John, but I've only met him once.
--> I'm acquainted with the street you describe, but I don't know how to get there.
Across from (someone or something)
facing or opposite someone or something.
--> At the table, Mary sat across from me.
--> The shoe store is across the street from the bank.
Act one's age
to behave more maturely; to act as grown up as one really is.
--> Come on, John. Act your age. Stop throwing rocks.
--> Mary! Stop hitting your brother. Act your age!
Act up
to misbehave or act badly.
--> It seems like our children always act up when we go to our neighbor's house to eat.
--> My arthritis is acting up. It really hurts in the winter.
--> My car is acting up. I could hardly get it started this morning.
Add insult to injury
to make a bad situation worse; to hurt the feelings of a person who has already been hurt.
--> First, the basement flooded, and then, to add insult to injury, a pipe burst in the kitchen.
--> My car barely started this morning, and to add insult to injury, I got a flat tire while still in the driveway.
Add (something) up
to make a mathematical total; to combine facts in order to figure something out.
--> Hurry and add up the scores.
--> When you add up all the facts, you will see things differently.
--> The bill added up to $200.
Add up
to mean something; to represent something; to result in something.
--> I don't understand. What does all this add up to?
--> It doesn't add up.
Add up to (something)
to combine facts in order to figure something out.
--> I think it will all add up to be a wonderful day.
After all
anyway; in spite of what had been decided. (often refers to a change of plans or a reversal of plans.)
--> Mary had planned to go to the bank, but she came here after all.
--> It looks like Tom will go to law school after all.
After all is said and done
when everything is settled or concluded; finally. (Informal)
--> After all was said and done, I had a great time at the party.
--> After all is said and done, I guarantee it will turn out as I said.
After you!
a way of saying "You go first." Often said when two people arrive at the door simultaneously.
--> After you. Ladies first.
Against the clock
in a race with time; in a great hurry to get something done before a particular time.
--> Bill set a new track record running against the clock. He lost the actual race, however.
--> The man was dying. It was now a race against the clock to get him to the hospital.
Agree on (someone or something)
To agree on the choice of a particular person or thing.
--> They needed to find a new candidate. Finally they agreed on John.
--> They agreed on yellow as the new color for the kitchen.
Agree to (something)
to agree to do something; to agree to let something happen.
--> Mary agreed to serve as president.
--> Bill won't agree to mow the lawn.
--> Let's all agree to disagree. We can disagree without being disagreeable.
(To be continued)