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英语翻译For the truth was,as Mulcaby had to acknowledge,pacing u

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 20:24:58
For the truth was,as Mulcaby had to acknowledge,pacing up and down his small office,that in spite of all the evidence he had been given of the president’s unremitting hatred.He found himself hurt by the letter—wounded,to be honest,not only in his self-esteem but in some tenderer place,in that sense of contract between people that transcends personal animosities and factional differences,that holds the individual distinct from the deed and maintains even in the fieriest opposition the dream of final agreement and concord.He had not known,in short,that the president disliked him so flatly.It was the usual mistake of a complex intelligence in assessing a simple intelligence,of an imagination that is capable of seeing and feeling on many levels at once,as opposed to an administrative mentality that feels operationally,through act.Like the most people of literacy sensibility,he had been unprepared,when it came down to it,for the obvious a blunt,naked wielding of power.And the face that he had thought himself prepared,he bitterly reflected,was precisely a measure of the abyss between the Maynard Hoars of this world and the Mulcahys.
The anomalies of the situation afforded him gleam of pleasure—to a person of superior intellect,the idea that be or she has been weak or a foot in comparison with an inferior adversary is fraught with moral comedy and sardonic philosophic applications.He sat down at his desk,popped a peppermint into his mouth,and began to laugh softly at the ironies of his biography:Henry Mulcahy,called Hen by his friends,forty-one years old,the only Ph.D.in the literature department,contributor to such prestigious magazines as the Nation and the Kenyon Review,Rhodes scholar,Guggenheim fellow,father of four,fifteen years teaching experience,yet having the salary and rank of only instructor—an “unfortunate” personality in the lexicon of department heads,but in the opinion of a number of his colleagues the cleverest man at Jocelyn and the victim,here as elsewhere that is the ruling passion of all systems of jobholders.
英语翻译For the truth was,as Mulcaby had to acknowledge,pacing u
然而在自己办公室里来回徘徊的Mulcaby必须接受的事实是尽管所有证据都指向了对校长的不断怨恨,这封信伤害了他—坦白说,是受伤,不仅仅是自尊,而是在内心深处,这种感觉就像是摒弃个人恩怨和派系差异的人们之间的一种合同,保留了个人之间的差异而不影响双方的行为.这种良性状态哪怕在达成最终一致协议的梦想的分歧最严重的时候都能够保持.简而言之,他根本不知道校长就是明显的不喜欢他.这是具有复杂智能的人在评价一个普通人时常犯的错误.具有能够迅速看到并感知到不同层面的想象力的人也会犯类似的错误,这与一个只有从行动中才能感知操作性的行政思维截然不同.如大多数对文学敏感的人一样,当面对事实时,他对这种愚钝而赤裸的权利的到来并没有做好准备.他苦涩地想,他曾经以为已经准备好的那个他是这个世界的Maynard Hoars 与Mulcahys之间深渊的精确衡量方式.
这种异常的现象给了他些许安慰—对一个高智商的人来说,他不如那些普通的对手的想法充满了道德喜剧和冷嘲热讽的哲学运用.他坐到自己的桌子上,往嘴里放了一块薄荷,对着自己那颇具讽刺性的自传轻轻地笑了:Henry Mulcahy,朋友都称他为Hen,41岁,文法部唯一的哲学博士,曾参编如“国民”“Kenyon Review”等多本著名杂志,曾获罗德奖学金,Guggenheim会员,又四个孩子,15年教学经验,却拿着教导员的职位和工资—用系主任的话说就是“不幸的人”,但在许多同事看来他却是Jocelyn最聪明的人,而在所有有固定工作的人看来,他又是一个受害者.