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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 06:37:22
This is an interesting story book.
The old man was too weak to take his usual walk.
It is a problem difficult to solve.(这是个难解决的问题.)
He has a house larger than yours.(他有一座比你大的房子.)
There was only one man capable of lending him 200 pounds.(只有一个人能借给他200英镑.)
There is nothing interesting in today’s newspaper.
Why don’t you read something easier?
They dug a canal 3 meters deep and 10 meters wide.(他们挖了一条3米深、10米宽的的水道.)
This is a river two hundred miles long.
(5)由and / or 连接的并列形容词有时后置.如:
He suggested a method both economical and practical.(他提出了一个既经济又切实可行的方法.)
All men ,rich or poor, are equal before law.(所有的人,不论贫富,在法律面前是平等的.)
They took enough food / food enough to last them a week.(他们带了够一个星期吃的食物.)
Are there enough desks / desks enough for all the students?
(7)一些表语形容词用作定语时,只能后置.常见的这类形容词有:alive, awake, asleep, present等.如:
He is the only man alive / awake.(他是唯一活着/醒着的人.)
All the people present got up to leave.(所有到场的人都起身走了.)
There is a huge round wooden table in the room.(房间里有一张大的圆木桌.)
Here are some beautiful fresh white roses.(这儿有一些漂亮新鲜的白玫瑰.)
It is a tall gray Victorian building.(这是一座高大的维多利亚时期的灰色建筑.)
形容词作表语要用在连系动词之后.常见的连系动词有:appear, be, become, feel, get, go, grow, keep, look, prove, remain, seen, smell, sound, stay, taste, turn等.如:
The weather is getting quite warm.(天气变的相当暖和.)
The old man went mad.(那位老人疯了.)
It seems probable that I’ll be sent abroad next year.(看来我明年有可能被派往国外.)
This sheet feels wet .(这床单摸起来是湿的.)
The dinner smells good.( 这饭菜味道很香.)
我们还要注意,英语中有些形容词是以— ly 结尾,我们容易把它们误认为是副词,如lovely(可爱的),lonely(孤独的),lively(活泼的),friendly(爱好的),orderly(有序的),motherly(母亲般的)等.如:
She looks lovely.(她看起来很可爱.)
They have been friendly with each other for many years.
Toothache kept me awake the whole night.(牙疼使我彻底未眠.)
I’ve never seen you so cheerful.
I find idioms and useful expressions hard to learn.
Greatly interested, I asked him how he played the new instrument .(大感兴趣之下,我问他这新乐器怎么弹.)
She girl, surprised at the sight, didn’t know what to say.(那姑娘看到这景象很是吃惊,不知道说什么好.)
Strange to say, no one was hurt.(说也奇怪,没有人受伤.)
He may be late. Worse still, he may not come at all.(他可能会迟到.更糟糕的是,他可能压根儿就不来了.)
副词按其词汇意义和句法功能,可分为下列几种:1)方式副词(如warmly, quickly, gladly等);2)程度副词(如almost, nearly, completely等);3)时间副词(如already, soon, today等);4)频度副词(如always, never, often等);5)地点副词(如here, anywhere, above等);6)疑问副词(如where, when, how, why等);7)关系副词(如where, when, why等);8)连接副词(如therefore, however, otherwise等).副词的作用主要是作状语,有时用来作定语、表语、宾词补足语等.
I remember having seen him somewhere.
They received the visitor coldly.
They will fly to Shanghai tomorrow.
I seldom got a chance to read .(我很少得到看书的机会.)
She is always thinking of others .
Our monitor is always the first to come to class.
We were very lucky to find you here.
Can you explain it more simply?
程度副词enough 要放在它所修饰的形容词或副词之后.如:
It’s warm enough to swim today.
He didn’t run fast enough to catch the train.
Where did you study medicine?
I’ll tell you why you have to study Enlist grammar.
Luckily, she was in when I called.
Surprisingly ,she has married again.
Recently I haven’t been feeling very well.(最近我感到身体不大舒服.)
Indoors it was nice and warm.(室内非常暖和舒服.)
Usually I’m very careful.(通常我是非常小心的.)
The meeting yesterday lasted more than three hours.
Life here is full of joy.(室内非常暖和舒服.)
On my way home, I met groups of Young Pioneers.
We had to get off and take the bus behind.(我们只得下车,换乘后面的巴士.)