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英语翻译翻译《小妇人》读后感:In Little Women,you will meet the March siste

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/28 07:18:49
In Little Women,you will meet the March sisters,Meg,Jo,Beth & Amy who live with their mother,Marmee,and their maid Hannah,during the Civil War.The first half of the novel takes place while their father is away,serving in the war.Each sister has a distinct personality,a reader,an artist,a musician,the quiet one.You will get to know this family in touching little stories of their daily life.Each chapter seems to set up a moral lesson for the reader to learn.We also meet a wonderful set of neighbors,Mr.Laurence and his nephew "Laurie" who quickly find a place as part of the March family.
The second half of the novel,focuses on the girls as they leave their childhood and begin their journey into adult life.Lessons of friendship,family,and love are covered as we join the characters through the ups and downs of life,good times and bad.It seems that Louisa May Alcott used her own family as the basis for the stories in Little Women,basing the character Jo on herself.It is amazing how though the book was written in the late 1800's,so many things about humans remain the same.The foundations of life that are important in friendships,family & love don't change through time,as Alcott has shared with us.This is a book that young and old can read and appreciate.
英语翻译翻译《小妇人》读后感:In Little Women,you will meet the March siste
在小妇人,你将在March 姐妹,梅格,乔,贝思和艾美谁与他们的母亲,Marmee,汉娜和他们的女佣内战期间,生活.小说的上半年发生,而他们的父亲了,在战争中提供服务.每一个妹妹一个鲜明的个性,一个读者,艺术家,音乐家,安静的一个.您将获得知道,在触及日常生活中的小故事这个家庭.每一章似乎设立读者的道德的教训.我们也满足了一套精彩的邻居,劳伦斯先生和他的侄子“劳”谁迅速找到作为长征系列的一部分地方.