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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/27 09:29:05
The Farrand Chapelette was gathering dust
in the shadowy porch of Marsden Church.
And was due to be bundled off to the skip.
Or was mine,for a song,if I wanted it.
Sunlight,through stained glass,which day to day
could beatify saints and raise the dead,
had aged the harmonium's softwood case
and yellowed the fingernails of its keys.
And one of its notes had lost its tongue,
and holes were worn in both the treadles
where the organist's feet,in grey,woolen socks
and letter-soled shoes,had pedalled and pedalled
But its hummed harmonics still struck a chord:
for a hundred years that organ had stood
by the choristers' stalls,where father and son,
each in their time,had opened their throats
and gilded finches--like high notes--had streamed out.
Through his own blue cloud of tobacco smog,
with smoker's fingers and dottled thumbs,
he comes to help me cart it away.
And we carry it flat,laid on its back.
And he,being him,can't help but say
that the next box I'll shoulder through this nave
will bear the freight of his own dead weight.
And I,being me,then mouth in reply
some shallow or sorry phrase or word
too starved of breath to make itself heard,
这种问题25分似乎少了点,如满意希望加分哟!嘿嘿!Harmonium 簧风琴   SIMON ARMITAGE                 The Farrand Chapelette was gathering dust                 in the shadowy porch of Marsden Church.                 And was due to be bundled off to the skip.                 Or was mine, for a song, if I wanted it.                 那架法兰公司生产的老风琴                 废弃于马斯登教堂幽暗的走廊                 已残旧得该被扔进废物桶里                 或如我想要它,几乎不花钱就可拥有 Sunlight, through stained glass, which day to day                 could beatify saints and raise the dead,                 had aged the harmonium's softwood case                 and yellowed the fingernails of its keys.                 And one of its notes had lost its tongue,                 and holes were worn in both the treadles                 where the organist's feet, in grey, woolen socks                 and letter-soled shoes, had pedalled and pedalled                  日复一日透过褪色的玻璃                 那能够美化圣贤和起死回生的阳光                 已将风琴的软木外壳老化成宿                 也将琴键晒得陈旧泛黄                 而其中的一根琴键已不翼而飞                 还有被演奏者那穿着灰毛袜子                 和平底鞋的双脚踩踏又踩踏的                 两块踏板也已千疮百孔                                   But its hummed harmonics still struck a chord:                 for a hundred years that organ had stood                 by the choristers' stalls, where father and son,                 each in their time, had opened their throats                 and gilded finches--like high notes--had streamed out.                 但它嗡嗡的泛音还是能拨动心弦百年来这架风琴就伫立于唱诗班指挥那边的席位,这里是父与子在他们个别的童年期大展歌喉唱出犹如金翅雀般的高音歌声                    Through his own blue cloud of tobacco smog,                 with smoker's fingers and dottled thumbs,                 he comes to help me cart it away.                 And we carry it flat, laid on its back.                 And he, being him, can't help but say                 that the next box I'll shoulder through this nave                  will bear the freight of his own dead weight.                 And I, being me, then mouth in reply                 some shallow or sorry phrase or word                 too starved of breath to make itself heard,                 在自制的一片蓝色烟雾弥漫中出现                 带着熏黄的手指和沾满残留烟丝的拇指                 他来帮我将它运走                 我们将它躺着,平直地扛在肩上                 而以他一贯的性格,他不得不说                 下次我走过教堂中殿扛着的箱子                 里面装的将是他那沉重的尸体                 而以我一贯的性格,我开口回答的是                 一些肤浅、伤心或遗憾之类的句子                 在呼呼气喘声中含糊且难以听见.注:[西蒙 阿米特吉] 是英国著名的现代诗人,在2009年英格兰文化委员会(Arts Council England)和伦敦奥组委联合举办的“艺术家领头”(The Artists Taking the Lead)竞赛中,他的作品从两千多个艺术项目提案中脱颖而出.当年11月份,他被谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学(Sheffield Hallam University)授予荣誉博士学位.这是有关父子关系的一首诗;作者到他以前当过唱诗班歌手的教堂,看到已该丢弃的残旧风琴.他叫父亲帮他一起将它搬走.过程中,父亲开玩笑说下次再抬的将是他的棺材.作者想作回应却不能,也许是无法接受父亲终会离去的事实.他把残旧的风琴比喻为他年迈的老爸,比如泛黄的琴键就是父亲被烟熏黄的手指…西蒙常称赞他父亲的自信与机智风趣,说话直爽张口就来;而他却要思考写下来.这种情操充分体现在诗的第四节里.【英语牛人团】图片显示的是原由Chapelette制造的 Farrand & Votey风琴: