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求帮忙写两篇英语作文 以下5个题目中选两篇 每篇200字左右就可以拉 英语渣啊 不想挂科 不要复制 1.Now it h

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/27 23:25:46
以下5个题目中选两篇 每篇200字左右就可以拉 英语渣啊 不想挂科 不要复制
1.Now it has become fashionable for college students to take a part-time job in their spare time.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.
2.Some of you classmates think that more pressure from academic studies is not beneficial to students .You either agree or disagree with them.
求帮忙写两篇英语作文 以下5个题目中选两篇 每篇200字左右就可以拉 英语渣啊 不想挂科 不要复制 1.Now it h
  In recent years,more and more college students begin to take part-time jobs in their spare time to earn pocket money or even education fees by themselves and such a phenomenon has caused numerous heated debates among the people around us.From my standpoint,taking part-time jobs has advantages as well as disadvantages.
  As a social activity,a part-time job certainly offers college students substantial practice,which is crucial to them after they graduate and go to their work posts.Besides,income earned from part-time jobs can solve their financial problems,especially for those who come from poor-stricken areas.Moreover,with part-time jobs,college students can put what they have learned from their books into use,thus connecting theories with practice and making abstract knowledge concrete and practical.
  However,since part-time jobs take much of the students' time that must originally be spent on their studies,those who take them waste a great deal of time,therefore,their academic performance is tremendously affected.According to some worried sociologists,the duty of students is to acquire as much knowledge as possible so that they could better serve the society after their graduation.As a result,such people deem part-time jobs,which are regarded contradictory to study,as “not attending to one's proper duties”.
  Admittedly,people rarely reach an absolute consensus on such a controversial issue.From my point of view,so long as college students put their courses first and concentrate on their studies while at school,certain amount of time spent on part-time jobs is not incorrect.I think the most important for them to do is to balance the two aspects well and give priority to study if the two contradict each other.
  There has been a heated debate about the effect of pressure from academic studies on us students in college.Some of my fellow students argue that it is not good for us to study under great pressure.Personally I do not agree to this view.
  My argument is based on the following two aspects.First,no pressure means no progress.With the development of our society,competition among people grows more and more fierce.College students are no exception.They must learn how to deal with future challenges foreseeable.Under proper pressure,each student has to work hard to lay a solid foundation in his or her specialty.Second,no pressure means no self-discipline.In our daily college life,quite a few students idle away their spare time—even some of their academic time.With more academic pressure upon the students,they will cherish their time and have self-restrictions with their study and even self-behavior.
In summary,I believe more pressure from academic studies does a great deal of good to us college students.If we put pressure into perspective,we will surely enjoy our campus life more and benefit more from it accordingly.
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