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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 02:27:33
中文:珍惜时间 俗话说得好:“一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴.”不错,人活在世上才短短几十年而已,大家在任何时候都要分秒必争,做时间的主人,让时间当你的助手.你是时间的主人就要好好去利用时间,去安排时间,要做一些有意义的事.比如我们还是小学生,如果有人问:“小学生最重要的事情是干什么?”你肯定会不假思索地说:“当然是学习啦.”所以作为我们小学生是最该珍惜时间的了,我们不能只把玩电脑`看电视当作自己的乐趣,要学习一些爱读书的伟人 ,把他们当作自己的榜样,努力学习,向前冲刺.像许多小孩子就是因为小时侯不努力,整天只想着泡在电脑室里,上网玩游戏,结果呢?不仅荒废了学业,而且自己的眼睛也高度近视,成为了一个没有用的人.就拿我来说吧,我以前只把学习当任务做,认为只要完成老师的作业就行,虽然自己很快乐,可是在期末考试中,却只考了17名而已,平时不努力,到考试时临时磨刀没用的.时间不会回头的,一定要利用好现在的一分一秒,否则到关键的时候就“老大徒伤悲”了.“光阴四箭,岁月如梭”小学短短六年,一眨眼的工夫就要过去了,我希望大家都学会珍惜时间,还是那一句老话,希望大家做时间的主宰者,学会利用时间,分秒必争.英文:Cherish time Common saying well said:"One inch time is one inch gold and the inch gold be difficult to buy inch time."Quite good,the person live in in this world just short several decades just,everyone all want to seize every minute and second in any time,the host,who be time,let time be you of assistant.You is time of host will good make use of time,go to arrangement time,do some meaningful of matter.For example we still the primary school living,if someone ask:"The primary school living most the affair of importance is stem what?"Your affirmation will without thinking say:"Certainly is a study."So Be our primary school to living is most should cherish time of,we can't play a computer`watch a television regard as oneself of fun,study some great man which love to study,regard as them oneself of model,effort study,sprint forward.Be like many child's ising because of the hour Hou doesn't make great effort,whole day think bubble in the computer room,get to the Internet to play games,result?Not only neglected studies,and oneself of eyes also height near sight,became 1 have no useful person.Take me to say,I past pair of study be the mission do,think want only the completion teacher's homework line,although oneself very happiness,but in the final,tested 17,peacetime don't make great effort,arrive examination temporary whet knife the useless.Time will not turn head of,must make use of good now of the penny be 1 and otherwise arrive key of time"the eldest brother Tu be regretful"."The time is four arrowses,the years be like shuttle" primary school short six years,a wink of time will past,I hope everyone academic association cherish time,be still that old words,hope everyone do time of dominate,academic association make use of time,seize every minute and second.